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ideological, cultural norms, historical traditions and attitudes of the political regime of a particular society. The political system includes the organization of political power, the relationship between society and the state, characterized by the flow of political processes, including the institutionalization of power, the state of political activity, the level of political creativity in the society, the nature of political participation, non-institutional political relations.political system is one of the parts or subsystems of the total social system. It interacts with the other subsystems: social, economic, ideological, ethical, legal, and cultural image of its social environment, its public resources, along with its natural environment and natural resources (demographic, spatial and territorial), as well as foreign policy weapon.a policy, and all its elements are undoubtedly under the influence of a strong national characteristics of the participating nations. Ethnicity - this is the most accessible and understood by citizens the basis for mass mobilization and collective action "natural expression of this factor is the diversity of national and state political systems, their dependence on political experience, historical and cultural traditions of peoples, the main participants in the political life and state building.·





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