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“Astana Medical University”of Kazakh history and politology political system of society Done by: Sansyzbay K.D

GMby:Omarova B.K 2016 political system is a system of politics and government. It is usually compared to the legal system, economic system, cultural system, and other social systems. However, this is a very simplified view of a much more complex system of categories involving the questions of who should have authority and what the government's influence on its people and economy should be.political system of society or the political organization of society - organized on a single normative value based on a set of interactions (relationships) political subjects related to the exercise of power (government) and the management of the company.concept brings together a variety of actions and relationships of the ruling groups and subordinates, rulers and the ruled, the dominant and subordinate, theoretically summarizes the activities and relationships of organized forms of power relations - the state and other institutions and agencies, as well as the ideological and political values ​​and norms governing the political life of the members of the society. The concept of "political system" refers to a characteristic of the specific structure of the society and political activity relationships and types of political process.central element of the political system to serve the state, that it carries out its main function - authoritarian distribution of values. Isolate its most essential features., it is society's ability to integrate the presence of social differences caused by their conflict of interests. The state operates primarily in the field of general interest. If it comes out of this area, then it ceases to be a State does not fulfill its function, authoritative regulation of social relations., the state - it is the authority of social coercion, actively using sanctions - rewards and punishments., among the norms of particular importance the government attaches to the right, to the laws., it is the public nature of state power, the professionalization of the general case management, voluntary or compulsory transfer of state agencies and their employees the authority to control others., the government operates within a specific and clearly limited political space. It has geographical limits: the territory covered by his power, and the limits of human: it covers citizens - Member States with respect thereto legally binding rights and obligations. body

theory of social system The creators of the theory of political systems are American scientists T. Parsons, D.Iston, G. Almond.notes the mobility of the boundaries of the political system. For example, on election day, or times of emergencies political system boundaries are expanded and everything is subordinated to the center settings. His major works- "The Structure of Social Action" (1937), "Social System" (1951), "Towards a general theory of action" (1956), "The theory of action and human existence" (1978). The aim of the exercise is to search for the construction of the theoretical system, encompassing human reality in all its diversity. He sees society as an infinite number of interactions of people, in which there are aspects of the relatively stable (structure) having specific roles and values (functions). We also introduce the notion of process - pair to the concept of structure. The function connects the structure and process, and sets their value to the system. The system has two orientation axes: the first shows whether the events surrounding the system is focused on the environment, or internal problems; second - whether the system responds to the immediate needs and long-term interests. Imposing one axle to another provides a set of four basic functions system- adaptation tseledostizheniya, integration and maintenance of the sample (in this case we are talking about the political system). Created by Parsons structural-functional method has been successfully used modern political science.theory, Easton are the two main functions of the political system:

The distribution of values in the society;

Urge their citizens to accept this distribution for granted.sees the role of the political system as the guiding force of society, which is carried out by means of the threat or use of legitimate physical coercion.Almond singled out a number of functions to save the system:

· Political socialization - the acquisition by man of political knowledge, values, adherence to standards of political behavior in the society, and so on.

· Adapting to the external and internal environment. Implemented through the training and selection of subjects of power.

· Responding to the signals coming from the outside and the inside of the system.

· The extraction function - are drawn resources from internal and external environment.

· Distributive function - coordination of interests of various groups within society.

· Regulatory function - management actions.political system is characterized by:

. political ideology;

. political culture;

. political norms, traditions and customs.political system has the following functions:

. conversion, the transformation of social demands into political decisions;

. adaptation, adaptation of the political system to the changing conditions of social life;

. mobilization of human and material resources (money, voters, etc.) in order to achieve political goals.

. watchdog function - protection of the socio-political system, its original core values and principles;

. foreign policy - the establishment and development of mutually beneficial relations with other countries;

. consolidating - the coordination of collective interests and demands of different social groups;

. Distribution - the creation and distribution of material and spiritual

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