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R. Leppihalme’s also singles out key-phrase allusions [KP] that are expressed by some words or phrases. They can refer to a literary work, quotation, fact or any other expression from the source text. The researcher points out the following sources of key-phrase allusions [27, p. 68-69].

· The Bible;

· Nursery rhymes and children's tales;

· Songs;

· Well-known films and topical television programs

· Political slogans

· Commercial product slogans

· Various catch-phrases, clichés and proverbs

· Various popular beliefs, assumptions and storiesRegarding the allusion as a literary text, A. Mamaieva defines it as an allusion that is expressed by a whole literary text which is characterized with an enormous amount of peculiarities of another text and duplicates its order of parts. The example of such allusion in the world literature can be considered to be J. Joyce’s “Ulysses” that duplicates Homer’s “Odyssey” [4, p. 3].

Another researcher A. Kirillov has established a classification that is based mostly on the type of the source-text. The researcher has categorized allusions into 5 groups [15, p.103]

· Historical allusion (such as people, places, events)

· Literary allusion (such as characters, settings, plot)

· Biblical allusion (including texts from Old Testament, New Testament);

· Popular culture (related to contemporary people, places, events, literary works, works of art)

· The arts (related to music, works of art, theatre/film)

Much more comprehensive classification of allusions is provided by N.Yu. Novokhachova. It is based on the genre distinguishing characteristics of the text that includes the very allusion. She points out the following 10 types of allusions [20, p. 88]

· Literary and artistic;

· Folk;

· Cinematographic;

· Song-like;

· Journalistic;

· Eloquent;

· Official;

· Intermediary;

· Biblical;

· Scientific

2.2.3 Functions of allusionsway to classify and coin the functions of allusions is still a significantly controversial issue. Different approaches to this problem can fundamentally differ, depending on the researched linkages between the allusion and the source, and its role in expressing the sense and idea of the text. Nevertheless, they often coincide in some basic principles..A. Vasilieva singles out 2 major groups of functions. The first one lies in forming the informational unity of the text that includes the allusion. The second one is used to establish the genre distinguishing characteristics of the text. The researcher also subdivides these groups in the following way [7, p. 18-19]:forming functions:

· structural function, that consists in correlation between the structures of the prototext and the metatext;

· bringing up a recurrent topic (for instance the topic of war, love, violence), that makes a significant contribution to the formation of text’s sense.

· characterizing the character;

· bringing new extra sense to the text

o Genre forming functions.

· creating a comic effect;

· making the text more “open”, from the viewpoint of intertextuality;

· creating a characteristic of a character..R. Avramenko provides a classification of the functions that focuses on the inner world of the characters, their behaviour and reaction to the described historical period and the events that take place in the very text. Hence, the scholar points out the following 6 functions [1, p.4-5]:

· Rendering the account of the historical period of the events;

· Characterizing personal relationship between the characters;

· Characterizing activities of character’s daily living;

· Explain (explicate) spiritual and intellectual features of the character;

· Portraying the feelings of the character;

· Characterize moral and aesthetical features of the character.classification of Ye.M. Dronova can is considered to be a way to summarize the approaches to this problem that were discussed above. Furthermore, it expresses some unique ideas [11, p. 48-49]:

· Valuating function - helps the author to make a disclosure on the inner world of the characters, to judge their actions and some other events that take place in the very work;

· Occasional function - using references to some historical facts and real historical figures in order to reproduce the spirit of the very age;

· Constructive function - allusion makes a contribution to maintaining the informational unity of the message and provides some additional information;

· Predictable function - lies in giving the reader a clue about the following unravelling of the plot on the basis of comparison of the very work with the referenced one.the contrary, R. Leppihalme claims that it is extremely complicated or even impossible to provide a complete list of functions of allusions. Nevertheless, the researcher points that it is advisable to use a distinction that draws a line between allusions that function on the macro- and on the micro level. The macro level comes over the inner structure of the text and its interpretation. The micro level lays in the lexico-semantical and the stylistic level [27, p. 31]. 2.2.4 Ways of translation of allusions, the translation of allusions presents the translator with a significantly complicated challenge. He/she must be knowledgeable in history, folklore and the national literature of different countries. In order to provide an appropriate translation, the following can be applied: the vocabularies of quotations and allusions, as well as linguo-cultural encyclopedias. [6, p. 4]. .V. Grek claims that in the course of the allusion adaptation the translator should pay attention to one

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