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Ministry of Education and Science of UkraineFranko National University in Lvivof Foreign LanguagesHryhoriy Kochur DepartmentTranslation Studies and Contrastive Linguistics

of intertextuality in the movie

“The Brothers Grimm” in the Ukrainian translation

Course paperYurii



Сhapter 1. The characteristics of audiovisual translation

.1 The notion of AVT

.2 Subtitling vs Dubbing

Сhapter 2. The characteristics of intertextuality and closely related notions

2.1 The notion of intertextuality

2.1 The notion of the vertical context

2.2 Allusions

2.2.1 The notion of allusion

2.2.2 Types of allusions

2.2.3 Functions of allusions

2.2.4 Ways of translation of allusions

Сhapter 3. The reproduction of allusions in the translation of the film “The brothers Grimm”


The list of references Introduction “The Brothers Grimm” is an adventure fantasy film, directed by Terry Gilliam in 2005. In spite of receiving mixed reviews from critics, it gained millions of viewers all over the world not only with black comedy and fabulous atmosphere, created by the director, but also due to lots of intertextual references to the real brothers’ life and their famous fairy tales. Thus, as the plot can be considered to be one big allusion, Ukrainian adaptation of this film presented the translator with complicated challenges. The present research paper focuses on investigating the linguistic methods and techniques, applied by the translator in the target text in order to preserve and render the effects of the original intertextuality.aim of this research is to define the main difficulties of creating a proper Ukrainian reproduction of the original English text, as well as to analyze how the allusions of the source text are reproduced in the Ukrainian adaptation. topicality of the research lies in the necessity to provide a proficient Ukrainian translation of foreign films generally and of British films in particular. Even an inadequate interpretation of the only title can cause serious troubles with rendering the original effect of the movie on the viewers in a specific country. The researched movie’s text is remarkably “shaped” by lots of references; therefore it is of vital importance that the appropriate equivalents will be provided, so that the target viewers will be affected in a proper way.objects of the research are the allusions used in the original text of Terry Gilliam’s film “The Brothers Grimm” and their Ukrainian reproduction.subject of the research consists in investigating the strategies and peculiarities of rendering the original text’s intertextual references in the Ukrainian reproduction.research sets the following objectives:

§ To get an insight into the theoretical material on the subject of the paper under analysis.

§ To examine the notion of intertextuality, allusion, vertical context and their role in creating the specific effect on the target viewers.

§ To conduct a contrastive analysis of the source and the target texts from the viewpoint of the researched theoretical topic.

§ To analyze the ways of intertextuality reproduction, used by the translator in the target text.appropriate analysis of the movie “The Brothers Grimm” and its Ukrainian reproduction requires using several methods of linguistic research. The contrastive and comparative methods were applied in the theoretical part. The practical part is based on the method of dictionary definitions (used to contrast English and Ukrainian meanings of lexical units), method of linguostylistic analysis of the original and the translation, as well as Translation Studies analysis.novelty of the course paper lies in dealing with the intertextual references in the source text and its Ukrainian reproduction. It is thought that all modern texts are in some way “shaped” by previous texts. Therefore, the problems of the reproducing such connections is always novel and topical.course paper consists of the introduction, three chapters, conclusions and the list of references. The first chapter is dedicated to the notion of audiovisual translation and focuses on the methods of translation films. The second chapter dwells upon the conception of intertextuality and vertical context. It mostly focuses on the notion of allusion, its types, functions and ways of translation. The third chapter encompasses the analysis of the translation of allusions in the film “The Brothers Grimm”. The number of corpus collected constitutes 29 samples. In the conclusion the results of the research are summed up. The list of references comprises the theoretical and lexicographical resources used while writing the present research paper.

Сhapter 1. The characteristics of audiovisual translation .1 The notion of AVT

dubbing film allusion translation

The translation of audiovisual products, such as documentaries, films, news, debates, concerts, television series, etc., has become one of the most important translation activities in the last decades. Nowadays cinematograph has become a significant part of modern cultures and even an important branch of business life in most countries. In the result of the development of globalization and mainstream-culture that is going overnight, such kind of products have become significantly more approachable. With the help of television, the Internet, radio and cinemas any audiovisual product can immediately reach an enormous number of audiences in almost any part of the world. Audiovisual Translation helps these products to cross the borders of languages and cultures.to Lau Keneth, the Audiovisual Translation (AVT) can be defined as “a

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