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as the representatives of a certain social group in the course of a given historical period) [5, p. 9-12].is a fair amount of ways to bring vertical context to a literary text. I.V. Giubbenet distinguishes the following ones:

· The author provides the detailed information about the source.

· The characters of the very literary text give this information to the reader.

· The author intentionally provides references to wrong sources in order to create a comic effect.

· Famous quotations are provided as authorless, sometimes even as proverbs or sayings.

· Sometimes vertical context is not graphically marked. Consequently, that leads to a fusion of the author’s words and the citatory speech.

· The author provides a comment to the used reference.

· The quotation is modified, that leads to a mixture of registers and styles.

· Comparisons (when some element of the literary text is compared to the corresponding element in the source text. This helps the reader to get a better understanding of the used references, in case he/she has proper background knowledge).

An excessive usage of alluded figures of speech can cause serious difficulties in understanding the text for the reader. Moreover, it can cause the same problems for the translator in the course of adaptation, especially when the vertical context is brought to the text without using any comments or graphical markers [9, p. 47].2.2 Allusions 2.2.1 The notion of allusionof the most frequently used occurrences of intertextual connections is allusion. This notion can be defined as an indirect reference (a word or a phrase) to a historical, literary, mythological, biblical fact or to a fact of everyday life, made in the course of speaking or writing [4, p.24]. A. Mashkova does not draw significant distinction between conscious reproducing the form and content of earlier works and cases, when the author does not comprehend someone’s impact on his works [18, p. 9]. In contrast, A.S. Yevsieiev states that allusion is a stylistic device that should necessarily contain author’s conscious intention so as to create a desired effect on the receiver [13, p. 7]. to The Oxford Dictionary of Allusions, “allusion is the mentioning of the name of a real person, historical event or literary character which is not simply a straightforward reference, but which conjures up some extra meaning, embodying some quality or characteristic for which the word has come to stand” [36, p. 11].comparison with quotations, no indication of the allusion’s source is given. I.R. Galperin provides another significant difference that lies in the structural nature of an allusion: “a quotation must repeat the exact wording of the original even though the meaning may be modified by the new context, while an allusion is only a mention of a word or phrase which may be regarded as the key-word of the utterance” [8, p. 171]. I.V. Giubbennet defines allusions as a maximally deformed quotation. [10, p. 35] On the contrary, M. Wheeler considers allusion to be a common indication for a reference and a quotation as well [Wheelr, p. 134].order to distinguish allusion from other types of intertextual references, A. Tyutenko outlined the following criteria of allusion identification [22]:researcher K. Lototska provides the following definition of allusion: “allusion is a hint, an indirect reference to something presumably known to the receiver that can be used without fear of being misunderstood and without being forced to give lengthy explanations of it. [17, p. 109].to K.R. Novozhilova, allusions are expressed by a hidden authorless quotation containing a hint at some literary or common cultural fact that is familiar to both the author and the target receiver [19, p. 77]. The author just mentions some detail of what he/she considers to be an analogy in fiction/history to the topic that is being discussed, without having to provide any explanations. Nevertheless, the receiver’s educational level and his “intertextual competence” should be corresponding in order to be able to recognize the stylistic value of the very allusion. [16, p. 171]. Apparently, in case the text’s allusion remains to be unidentified, the communication process between the author and the target receiver fails Therefore, allusions are sometimes made to things and facts which need commentary before they are understood..P. Belokurova underscores that an allusion always has a wider meaning than the phrase or quotation that she refers to. Hence, this forces the receiver to correlate them and indicate their common and distinguishable features [3, p. 15]. 2.2.2 Types of allusionsto A.S. Yevsieiev, a reference to a source text can be accomplished in two ways: by a nomination and by a quotation. In such manner, Yevsieiev distinguishes two types of allusions that are based on the difference that lies in the different type of denotation [13, p. 4-5]:

· Citatory allusion - the denotation consists in the text and metonymously related objects (for instance, a parody of some specific person, that includes also reproducing his/her linguistic peculiarities); D. Diuryshyn also points out overt and covert citatory allusions [12, p. 153-154];

· Nominative allusion - all other types of denotation [4, p. 2]..D. Tukharelli suggests an interesting classification of allusions that is based on the semantical and structural peculiarities of allusion [21, p. 16-17]: Proper name allusions [PN] include the following notions:

· Zoonyms - names of animals;

· Toponyms - geographical names;

· Cosmonyms - names of astronomical bodies;

· Ktematonyms - names of historical figures, events and artistic works. According to R.Leppihalme, “these kinds of names are sometimes borrowed from Holy Scriptures or myths”. [Lepp, p. 67].

· Theonyms - names of gods, demons, mythological

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