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means of semantic calque [27]. The type and the functions are successfully preserved. Thus, a Ukrainian receiver is also definitely able to recognize the worldwide famous expression and predict the further events of the plot.

Conclusion The present research paper focuses on the peculiarities of reproduction of intertextuality in the Ukrainian dubbing of the movie “The Brothers Grimm,” with the focus on the issues of audiovisual translation problems.first theoretical part has provided a disclosure of the notion of Audiovisual Translation and its mains types. Since the research is dedicated to the translation of films, most attention has been drawn to such types of Audiovisual Translation as subtitling and dubbing and their peculiarities. The advantages and disadvantages of the two modalities, alongside with their common and differentiating features, have been also pointed out.second theoretical part starts with a general description of the notion of intertextuality. Its basic principles and significant contribution to the development of world’s art and literature have been defined by providing and contrasting different approaches and theories. The notion of vertical context and the ways of bringing it to a literary text have been also considered. attention has been drawn to the notion of allusion. While researching different approaches to the issue of establishing a proper classification of allusion’s types, we have concluded that they are mostly based on the following peculiarities of the allusion:

· its source;

· its recognizability for different cultures and language groups;

· its structure;

· its semantics.the way to classify and coin the functions of allusions remains to be a significantly controversial issue, the provided classifications are mostly based on allusion’s contribution to forming the plot and maintaining the informational unity of the text. In addition, the most useful skills and techniques that can be applied during an allusion translation have been provided.practical part of the research paper has been based on the examples taken from the movie “The Brothers Grimm”. Most of the indicated allusions refer to the real brothers Grimm’s fairy tales. Considering that the movie is also a black comedy, it has been very interesting to analyze and define the functions that the fabulous allusions perform in the film. Unfortunately, the translator has not managed to provide a proper translation of all the allusions. The desired effect of these allusions has not been preserved in the Ukrainian adaptation. Thus, a Ukrainian receiver does not have an opportunity to fully enjoy the effect of the used fabulous allusions. Nevertheless, more proper variants of the Ukrainian translations have been also provided., the results of this course paper show that the film adaptation in Ukraine has not reached a proper level of professional competence yet, although this issue is very important for the development of the young Ukrainian country, since the major part of its population prefers Russian adaptations. Hopefully, this paper may create an impulse for further researches in this sphere. The list of referencesTheoretical sources:

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