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words on different territories.. The British local dialects can be traced back to Old English dialects. Numerous and distinct, they are characterized by phonemic and structural peculiarities. The local dialects are being gradually replaced by regional variants of the literary language, i. e. by a literary standard with a proportion of local dialect features.. The so-called local dialects in the British Isles and in the USA are used only by the rural population and only for the purposes of oral communication. In both variants local distinctions are more marked in pronunciation, less conspicuous in vocabulary and insignificant in grammar.. Local variations in the USA are relatively small. What is called by tradition American dialects is closer in nature to regional variants of the national literary language.


1. Abbot E.A. A Shakespearian Grammar. Ld., 1881.

2. Barber Ch. Linguistic Change in Present-day English. Ld., 1958.

3. Bartlett, John R. (1848). Dictionary of Americanisms: A Glossary of Words and Phrases Usually Regarded As Peculiar to the United States. New York: Bartlett and Welford.

4. Björkman E. Scandinavian Loan-Words in Middle English. Halle, 1900-1902.

5. Brook G.L. A history of the English Language. Ld., 1958.

6. Curme G.O. The development of verbal Compounds in Germanic. “Beitrage zur Geshichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur”. V.39. 1904.

7. Dobson E.J. English Pronunciation 1400-1600. Oxford, 1957.

8. Emerson O.F. A Middle English Reader. Ld., 1915.

9. Ferguson, Charles A.; & Heath, Shirley Brice (Eds.). (1981). Language in the USA. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

10. Finegan, Edward. (2004). American English and its distinctiveness. In E. Finegan & J.R. Rickford (Eds.), Language in the USA: Themes for the twenty-first century (pp. 18-38). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

11. Finegan, Edward; & Rickford, John R. (Eds.). (2004). Language in the USA: Themes for the twenty-first century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

12. Frazer, Timothy (Ed.). (1993). Heartland English. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.

13. Garner, Bryan A. (2003). Garner's Modern American Usage. New York: Oxford University Press.

14. Glowka, Wayne; & Lance, Donald (Eds.). (1993). Language variation in North American English. New York: Modern Language Association.

15. Jespersen, Otto. A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles. Copenhagen, 1942. Part VI.

16. Kellner L. Historical Outlines of English Syntax. Ld., 1882.

17. Kenyon, John S. (1950). American pronunciation (10th ed.). Ann Arbor: George Wahr.

18. Kortmann, Bernd; Schneider, Edgar W.; Burridge, Kate; Mesthrie, Rajend; & Upton, Clive (Eds.). (2004). A handbook of varieties of English: Morphology and syntax (Vol. 2). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

19. MacNeil, Robert; & Cran, William. (2005). Do you speak American?: A companion to the PBS television series. New York: Nan A. Talese, Doubleday.

20. Marchand H. The Categories and Types of Present-Day English Word-Formation. Wiesbaden, 1960.

21. Mathews, Mitford M. (ed.) (1951). A Dictionary of Americanisms on Historical Principles. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

22. McCue G.S. A Graphic History of English Stressed Vowels. Denver (Col.), Swallow, 1958.

23. McKnight G.H. Modern English in the Making. New York - London, 1928.

24. Mencken, H.L. (1936, repr. 1977). The American Language: An Inquiry into the Development of English in the United States (4th edition). New York: Knopf. (1921 edition online: www.bartleby.com/185/)

25. Mincoff M. English Historical grammar. Sofia, 1967

26. Mustanoya T.F. A Middle English Syntax. Helsinki, 1960.

27. Nist J.A Structural History of English. New York, 1966.

28. Partridge E. The World of Words. Ld., 1938.

29. Schlauch, Margaret. The English Language in Modern Times. Warszawa, 1965.

30. Schneider, Edgar (Ed.). (1996). Focus on the USA. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

31. Schneider, Edgar W.; Kortmann, Bernd; Burridge, Kate; Mesthrie, Rajend; & Upton, Clive (Eds.). (2004). A handbook of varieties of English: Phonology (Vol. 1). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

32. Simpson, John (ed.) (1989). Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

33. Thomas, Erik R. (2001). An acoustic analysis of vowel variation in New World English. Publication of American Dialect Society (No. 85). Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

34. Thompson, Charles K. (1958). An introduction to the phonetics of American English (2nd ed.). New York: The Ronald Press Co.

35. Wardale E.E. An Introduction to Middle English grammar. Ld., 1937.

36. Webster's Third New International Dictionary of Ihe English Language. Springfield, Mass.. 1961.

37. Wolfram, Walt; & Schilling-Estes, Natalie. (2005). American English: Dialects and variation. 2nd Edition. Malden, MA: Basil Blackwell.

38. www. wikipedia.org/wiki/American_and_British_English_spelling_differences

39. www.esl.about.com/od/toeflieltscambridge/a/dif_ambrit.htm

40. www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=aeroplane&searchmode=none

41. www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/aeroplane

42. www.onestopenglish.com/grammar/grammar-reference/american-english-vs-british-english/differences-in-american-and-british-english-grammar-article/152820.article

43. www.us2uk.tripod.com/

44. www.uta.fi/FAST/US1/REF/usgbdiff.html

45. www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/questions/americanbritish.html

46. www.xomba.com/the_differences_between_american_and_british_english

47. www2.gsu.edu/~wwwesl/egw/jones/differences.htm

48. Wyld H. C.A History of Modern Colloquial English. Oxford, 1936.

49. Гинзбург Р.С., Хидеккель С.С.,

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