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Функция "чтения" служит для ознакомления с работой. Разметка, таблицы и картинки документа могут отображаться неверно или не в полном объёме!

the teacher asks one of students to read all words, erasing from a board by one word, starting with the first. Students read words, saying also that word which on a board is already not present. Thus, the last pupil says all words on memory.close the books and on one leave to a board. Their companions in Russian ask the translation of various words on this subject. If standing at a board is at a loss with the translation of words, has to translate the word the asking. The class shares on two teams. The teacher calls words in Russian. In turn participants of both teams approach a board and write down the translation of the word into English. If the previous participant made a mistake at the translation of the word, only following it can correct its error, and then writes down the word. That team, which participants allowed the smallest quantity of mistakes, it is considered won. Lexical material on the subject «Food»

Meal - еда (трапеза) Delicious (= tasty) - вкусный Dish - блюдо Recipe - рецепт Fish dish - рыбное блюдо Green peas - зелёный горошек Boiled egg - вареное яйцо Rice - рис Beer - пиво Porridge - овсяная каша Tongue - язык Cornflakes - кукурузные хлопья Sausage - колбаса Noodle soup - суп из лапши Ham - ветчина, окорок Oven - духовой шкаф Mutton chop - баранья котлета Vegetables - овощи Roast meat - жареное мясо Poultry - домашняя птица Fried fish - жареная рыба Pudding - пуддинг Roast beef - ростбиф Plate - тарелка Sour cream - сметана To consist of - состоять из Course - блюдо Soup - суп Chicken broth - куриный бульон

Pie - пирог The first course - первое Dessert (= sweet dish) - десерт Stewed fruit - компот Bacon - бекон Biscuits - печенье Fruit juice - фруктовый сок Marmalade - мармелад Taste - вкус Hard-boiled eggs - яйца (вкрутую) Soft-boiled eggs - яйца (всмятку) Scrambled eggs - яичница Buckwheat - гречка Semolina - манка Strawberries - клубника Raspberries - малина Gooseberries - крыжовник Currants - смородина Apricots - абрикосы Nourishing food - питательная еда To fry - жарить To roast - жарить (на открытом огне) To stew - тушить To boil - варить Olives - оливки Fowl - птица Goose - гусь Turkey - индейка Chicken - цыплёнок

According to the typology of this project can be attributed to:

• Practice and orientation (as dominant in the project activity)

• Mono project (in one subject);

• International (recipes peoples of the world);

• Group;

• Short-term (within one training session)., it was decided to include in the book the following chapters:

• First courses;

• Second courses;

• Salads;…

• Snacks;

• Cakes;

• Drinks, the method of projects is a way of achievement of the didactic purpose through detailed development of a problem. The method of projects can be used at lessons of a foreign language within program material practically on any subject. The main thing it to formulate a problem on which students will work in the course of work on a topic of the lesson.

Conclusion In our course paper we considered the basic principles of profile education: individualization and differentiation. The individualization of profile training is directed on self-knowledge of school students, identification of their true motives of choice of profile training, real educational requirements and realization educational program of training according to interest, opportunities and abilities. The differentiation of training is a form of organization of educational activity which takes into account inclinations, interests and abilities of students, but does not reduce the general level of general education.are four conceptual approaches of profile education. They are: personal focused approach, activity approach, competency-based approach, health saving approach. Each approaches fulfill the certain functions. The activity approach focuses not only on assimilation of knowledge, but also the ways of thinking and action on development cognitive powers and creativity of the child. The competency-based approach corresponds new values of the Kazakhstan education - orientation on understanding of a scientific picture of the world, on spirituality, on social activity.content of profile training is realized within three directions of a profiling: naturally-mathematical, socially - humanitarian and technological. Profile subjects define the direction of profile education of seniors. The naturally-mathematical direction is provided with the following structure of subjects: physics, chemistry, biology, geography, informatics. The socially - humanitarian direction of training includes literature, world art culture, social science, bases of the state and the right, rhetoric. The technological direction of profile training defines the following structure of subjects: physics, chemistry, biology, technology, graphics and design.various trends in the field of pedagogical innovation, traditionally used in the secondary education system, the most appropriate to the goals are:

• «Cooperative learning

• The method of the projects;

• Multilevel training.method of projects is a way of achievement of the didactic purpose through detailed development of a problem which has to come to the end with quite real, tangible practical the method of projects is always focused by the result issued in one way or another on

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