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school it is important to carry out function of design of the course individual and intellectual development of the student with preservation of its health. Into the forefront there are such forms of activity of the teacher as development individual strategy of training, educational and pedagogical and valeological diagnostics, individual consultation.very important characteristic of healthy content is the use of interactive teaching methods, the advantage of which consists in the fact that they allow for the particular education and processing new information specific to the different psychological types of students, representing thus an opportunity for each child to express themselves with best side. 1.3 Structure of the content of profile education The content of profile training is realized within three directions of a profiling: naturally-mathematical, socially - humanitarian and technological.content of formation of the declared directions of profile training is defined with two positions., by definition of profile training, the structure and structure of the content of education are directed on creation of pedagogical conditions for the accounting of individual interests and abilities of pupils of 11-12 classes., when determining the content of education within the directions possibilities of reduction of quantity of the obligatory subjects providing completion of basic general education training of pupils, optimization of number of educational and methodical providing subjects of the basic contents, the level of variable education which developed in the republic, etc. were considered.flexibility of the system of profile education is provided by the following subjects (courses): basic objects (invariant component), majors and compulsory elective subjects (variable components) Interest rates (student component).general education subjects are mandatory irrespective of the direction of education (science and math, social, humanitarian, technological). The list of basic general education courses invariant components include: native language, Kazakh language (in schools with non-Kazakh language learning) / Russian language (in schools with non-Russian language of instruction), foreign language, mathematics, Kazakhstan in the modern world, man and society, self-knowledge, natural science, physical education, Basic military training / Safety Basics life, information technology and systems.system of basic general education subjects recreates functional completeness of the maintenance of secondary education.general obligatory subjects as a uniform basis of the basic contents, define interests of the state, attach staffing of implementation of the content of profile training in the senior classes:

· - possibility of realization of idea of variability of education at the level of models of educational institutions, contents of education, training processes;

· - existence of the social and economic difficulties causing insufficient completeness of performance of all conditions of the organization of profile training including in small schools;

· - insufficiency of system preprofile training of pupils at the level of the main secondary education;

development of social practice, the statement of new values in society, it is important to point to a number of problems which negative consequences need to be considered when designing model of profile education in the conditions of 12 years' education: of students to common cultural and national values.this or that direction of profile education the educational institution will organize this or that profile of training. The maintenance of a profile of education is provided at the expense of specialist subjects, obligatory subjects of a choice of a school component and partially - at the expense of courses on interests of a student's component of the curriculum of the general secondary education. At the expense of a combination of specialist and obligatory subjects and courses on interests broad profile education can be organized».subjects define the direction of profile education of seniors. The naturally-mathematical direction is provided with the following structure of subjects: physics, chemistry, biology, geography, informatics. The socially - humanitarian direction of training includes literature, world art culture, social science, bases of the state and the right, rhetoric. The technological direction of profile training defines the following structure of subjects: physics, chemistry, biology, technology, graphics and design. Obligatory subjects of a choice enter a variable school component of the content of education. Obligatory subjects of a choice enrich general education preparation, thereby providing the expansions function of the content of education.student has an opportunity to choose two subjects from the list of specialist subjects of other direction of profile training offered by school. The structure basic, main and obligatory at the choice of general education subjects provides the level of the state obligatory standard of the general secondary education.on interests are realized at the expense of a student's component of the curriculum. Courses on interests allow to provide or applied character of specialist general education subjects, or satisfaction of individual interests of pupils beyond the scope of the chosen profile. The maintenance of courses is determined by interests within the existing training programs approved by authorized body of education or the author's programs considering possibilities of educational institution. 1.4 Forms of the organization of profile training Objectives of profile education in grades 11-12 and the structure of the organization areas of study suggest the variety of forms of organization. The reason for the choice of the forms of profile training considered providing schools with educational resources. Profile training organized intra or -

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