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that also other procedural can be in practice developed options of the personal focused education, which, unlike traditional, «knowledge-orientation», characterized by the following regularities:

1. If the construction of the traditional teaching of the project activity is a fragment of the content of the training and the ways its assimilation (that know and be able, how to do it), at the personal focused education becomes a subject of design not fragment of the studied material, and the event in life of the personality giving it complete life experience, in which knowledge - part it.

2. Designing of training becomes a joint activity of the teacher and student. The dialogue here acts not as planned in the training lesson situation, as a way to vital activity of subjects in education (the teacher-student, the teacher - students).

. The basic side between substantial and procedural is erased aspects of training: process (dialogue, search, game) becomes a source of personal experience.

. Education loses the traditional features of artificiality for it, and external regulation also comes nearer to the vital activity of the natural learner.

. Accordingly, the interaction of participants in training activities loses its formality and functionalism and acquires features of interpersonal, intersubjective communication. In this case the teacher acts not as a functionary, not even as an organizer and as the personality, as his personal inner peace, professionalism becomes a part of content of education.

Thus, transition to the personal focused education it is connected with the solution of the synthesis knowledge-standardized and personal-variable education components, combination of the contents and pedagogical technologies. The basis of this synthesis must be equal partners - participants of the pedagogical process, students and teachers.

The activity approach. The theoretical basis of the activity approach is the idea of subjectivity in education, grounded by V.I Slobodchikova and etc. Subjectivity is understood as the social activity reformative way of life of the person. To become the subject of a specific activities, means to master this activity, possess it, to be able to her implementation and creative transformation. Man as a subject capable of transform their own livelihoods in the subject of practical transformation, treat yourself, to evaluate ways of working, monitor its progress and results, change its methods.essence of the idea of subjectivity in the process of teaching is that student as the subject of activity is developing in various kinds educational activities based on free choice, and cooperation creativity.concept of profile education proclaims refusal from such the organizations of training at which educational activity is reduced to process assimilation of disciplinary knowledge. Refusal of interpretation is necessary, thus, educations as the process which is reduced only to consumption and assignment knowledge. The doctrine in this area needs to be understood as activity not so much reproductive, how many productive, creative, during which not only knowledge and ways of their receiving are acquired, but also installation on creation becomes new knowledge, new socially significant experience.idea of profile education provides the organization of the various types of educational activity, namely educational, design, educational research, different types of social practice.

It is essential that all competence demand various types of action:

• Act autonomously and reflectively;

• Use a variety of interactive tools;

• To enter into social and heterogeneous groups and to function in them.

• The student, seizing any way of activity, gets experience integration of various results of education (knowledge, abilities, skills, values, etc.) and setting (or assignments) purposes.

Therefore, there is an understanding of process of management of the activity. Set the mastered ways of activity has to be socially demanded and to allow the pupil to appear to adequate typical situations. Such set is a subject of inquiry of employers (and other customers) and can to be corrected in connection with change of a social and economic situation., the activity approach focuses not only on assimilation of knowledge, but also the ways of thinking and action on development cognitive powers and creativity of the child.

Competency-based approach. The basic purpose of competence education is a assimilation personality of 12 years of graduate school of social experience: contents of training it is directed not only on formation of «Knowledge Skill Skills», but also development functional literacy and finally - competence of students.SGES RK-2010 competence is defined as a student's readiness «Effectively mobilize internal and external resources to achieve the goal; readiness to successful activity in order to meet individual and social needs, constitute the social order to the education system.»result forms the basis of formation of competence of the personality educations as the key competences which are expressed in mastering pupils certain set (menu) of ways of activity.are key if mastering by them allows to solve various problems every day, professional or social life.

Keywords competences have the following characteristic signs.

1. Key competences are multifunctional. They need to be seized for achievement of various purposes and the solution of various tasks in the various situations.

2. Key competences over subject and interdisciplinary, they applicable in various situations, not only in school, but also at work, at home, in the political sphere, and others.

. Key competences require significant intellectual development: abstract thinking, self-reflection, determining its own position, self-esteem, critical thinking, and

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