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Функция "чтения" служит для ознакомления с работой. Разметка, таблицы и картинки документа могут отображаться неверно или не в полном объёме!


extern intEntryCount;

extern DWORD TaskThreads[TASK_COUNT];

extern intTaskCount; DWORD WINAPI CommonConfigWatcher(LPVOID ThreadParm);

void UpdateVariables(); #endif

EventLog.h #ifndef __EVENT_LOG

#define __EVENT_LOG void LogEvent(WORD EventType, LPSTR EventMsg); #endif

ClientHandler.h #ifndef __CLIENT_HANDLER

#define __CLIENT_HANDLER extern DWORD ClientHandlingThread; DWORD WINAPI RPCClientHandling(LPVOID ThreadParm);

void RefreshIniProps(); #endif

ShedulerServ.h #ifndef __SHEDULING_SERVICE

#define __SHEDULING_SERVICE #define TaskProcName "TaskProc" extern BOOL TerminateSheduling;

extern DWORD ShedulingThread; DWORD WINAPI ShedulingProc(LPVOID ThreadParm);

void TerminateTasks(); #endif

RegistryConfig.h #ifndef __REGISTRY_CONFIG

#define __REGISTRY_CONFIG #define REGISTRY_TASKS_PATH "SOFTWARE\\Svyazinform\\CommService\\Tasks" struct TASKENTRY


DWORD ExecTime;

char DllName[256];


DWORD TaskThread;

BOOL Active;




/* IDL File */ [ uuid (4a25d2e0-6703-11d0-8927-00a02413850e),



interface CommService


void RefreshIniProps();



/* acf file for TimeInclude Service (RPC) */ [ implicit_handle(handle_t CommServ_IfHandle)

]interface CommService



Приложение 4

Исходные тексты программы установки коммуникационного сервиса #include

#include void RegEventSource(); VOID _CRTAPI1 main(void)

{LPCTSTR lpszBinaryPathName =

TEXT("c:\\ibserver\\bin\\CommServ.exe");SC_HANDLE schSCManager;

SC_HANDLE schService;

/* Open a handle to the SC Manager database. */schSCManager = OpenSCManager(

NULL,/* local machine*/

NULL,/* ServicesActive database */

SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); /* full access rights*/if (schSCManager == NULL) {

printf("\nError opening Service Manager.\n");


}schService = CreateService(

schSCManager,/* SCManager database*/

TEXT("CommServ"),/* name of service*/

TEXT("JSC \"SvjazInform\" Communication Service"),/* service name to display */

SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS,/* desired access*/

SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, /* service type*/

SERVICE_DEMAND_START,/* start type*/

SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL,/* error control type*/

lpszBinaryPathName,/* service's binary*/

NULL,/* no load ordering group */

NULL,/* no tag identifier*/

NULL,/* no dependencies*/

NULL,/* LocalSystem account*/

NULL);/* no password*/if (schService == NULL) {

printf("\nFailed to create service!\n");



printf("CreateService SUCCESS\n");CloseServiceHandle(schService);

CloseServiceHandle(schSCManager);RegEventSource(); } void RegEventSource()

{ HKEY hk;

DWORD dwData;

UCHAR szBuf[80]; if (RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\

\\EventLog\\Application\\CommServ", &hk)) { printf("could not create registry key");


} /* Set the Event ID message-file name. */ strcpy(szBuf, "c:\\ibserver\\bin\\CommServ.exe"); /* Add the Event ID message-file name to the subkey. */ if (RegSetValueEx(hk,/* subkey handle*/

"EventMessageFile",/* value name*/

0,/* must be zero */

REG_EXPAND_SZ,/* value type*/

(LPBYTE) szBuf,/* address of value data */

strlen(szBuf) + 1))/* length of value data*/


printf("could not set event message file");



/* Set the supported types flags. */ dwData = EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE | EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE |

EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE; if (RegSetValueEx(hk,/* subkey handle*/

"TypesSupported", /* value name*/

0,/* must be zero*/

REG_DWORD,/* value type*/

(LPBYTE) &dwData, /* address of value data*/

sizeof(DWORD)))/* length of value data */


printf("could not set supported types");


} RegCloseKey(hk);


Приложение 5

Исходные тексты программы удаления коммуникационного сервиса #include

#include void CleanRegistry(); VOID _CRTAPI1 main(void)

{SC_HANDLE schSCManager;

SC_HANDLE schService;

/* Open a handle to the SC Manager database. */schSCManager = OpenSCManager(

NULL,/* local machine*/

NULL,/* ServicesActive database */

SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); /* full access rights*/if (schSCManager == NULL) {

printf("\nError opening Service Manager.\n");


}schService = OpenService(

schSCManager,/* SCManager database*/

TEXT("CommServ"), /* name of service*/

DELETE);/* only need DELETE access */if (! DeleteService(schService) )

printf("\nFailed to Delete service!\n");


printf("DeleteService SUCCESS\n");CloseServiceHandle(schService);


} void CleanRegistry()


if (RegDeleteKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\



printf("\nError Cleaning Registry");

} else {

printf("\nCleaning Registry SUCCESS");




Приложение 6

Структуры баз данных

Интересная статья: Основы написания курсовой работы