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PEOPLES’ FRIENDSHIP UNIVERSITY OF RUSSIAof Foreign Languagesof Foreign Languages in Theory and Practice

APPROVED FOR PRESENTATIONHead of the Department of Foreignin Theory and Practice


«Functions of Latin and Scandinavian Military Borrowings in Modern English»

.03.02 - Linguistics

by.V. Tikhonova



.1 Borrowing as a method of new word formation

.2 Classification of borrowings

.3 The word and the term

.4 History of military borrowing from Latin

.5 History of military borrowing from old Norse2. THE ETYMOLOGY AND MODERN FUNCTIONS OF MILITARY LOANWORDS

.1 Military loanwords from Latin

.2 Military loanwords from old Norse

.3 The present day use of borrowed Latin & old Norse terms

.3.1 Historical fiction

.3.2 Fantasy genre fiction

.4 Non-military modern meaningsLIST INTRODUCTION The topic of this work deals with the functions of Latin and Scandinavian military borrowings in modern English. The work itself consists of an introductory part, a main part that includes two chapters and a conclusion.task of the research is to work through etymological dictionaries to understand the history of each military Latin and Scandinavian loanword, the development and diversity of their meanings, and to analyze modern fiction to understand the role they play in present times. Thus, the goal is to realize the functions of military borrowings in modern English.subject of this research will be that part of English vocabulary, that has been build of loanwords, and the complex of military borrowings will serve as the object. Analytical methods will be used to achieve the objective of the work, with dictionaries and fiction serving as the research material.is common to speak about loanwords in the language of Anglo-Saxons (Old English), about their etymology, the ways they were acquired, their influence on Old English, even about their functions in present etc. The relevance of this work consists in the fact that the role of Latin and Scandinavian military words will be contemplated not in the context of Anglo-Saxon but in the context of modern English.

borrowing latin military loanword CHAPTER 1. THE HISTORY AND PLACE OF BORROWINGS IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE .1 Borrowing as a method of new word formation

can be named several different ways of enriching a language and forming new words.

) Affixation:

. Number (rook - rooks)

. Case (Jacob’s cat)

. Gender (chat - chate (Fr. “cat”)

. Time (die - died)

. Person (go - goes)

. Degree of comparison: (pretty - prettier)

) Composing:) Pyroscaphe (pyros + scaphe)) Steamship (steam + ship)

) Conversion (the conversion of one part of the speech into another without any changings in its phonetic and grammatical structure):) “The black”, meaning “space” (TIE pilot slang, the Star Wars franchise)) “The blue”, meaning “planetary atmosphere” (TIE pilot slang, the Star Wars franchise)

) Abbreviation (word abridgement).) B.C. - Before Christ) A.D. - Anno Domini (literally, “God’s year”)

c) BNC - British National Corpus

d) ROFL - “rolling on floor laughing” (slang)) P.S. - post scriptum) Km - kilometer

) Word reviewing (the denotation passes from one word to another one or to a whole group).

) Borrowings.“borrowing” - or a “loanword” - is both a foreign element in the language and the process of such an element appearing and remaining in the language. Borrowings are an essential historical and functional part of the language, one of the ways of enriching its vocabulary. They serve as a source for new roots, new word formation elements and new terms.are an important factor of language development - perhaps, even one of the most important. This process lies in the very core of language activity. The percent of borrowings is always high in each language, though the exact number of them is not possible to be counted, because of its constant growth: new borrowings appear, old borrowings get harder to recognize and tell what their origins are and say where did they come from.are seen as a specific and separate layer of the language. In each language it is possible to name several layers of words:

. Words that belong to every language of one language family.

. Words that belong to a group or a sub-group of related languages.

. Aboriginal words.

. Borrowings.terms of English it looks as following:

Indo-European words (mother, father, brother, daughter, be, hundred);

German words (bear, winter, see);

West-Germanic words (ask, love);

Anglo-Saxon (lord, boy/girl);

Borrowings (loanwords):related languages: knight, low, flat (Ancient Scandinavian), napper, fitter (Holland);not related languages: Soviet, vodka, tundra, pernach (Russian), samurai, katana (Japanese), echo, xylophone (Greek).is the standard classification of the English language, yet it cannot be called ultimately right. For example, some words that are deemed to be Indo-European may actually belong to older pre-languages, as there have always been trade and war connections between different peoples of the old.that have been borrowed in ancient times and that are now fully assimilated by the receiving language are not taken as foreign. For example, the English word “table” has actually come from the French word which is spelled absolutely the same. Most times it is hard to differentiate what particular language has transferred a word that lingered in another language and in time became a borrowing (the word “figure” may have come directly from Latin “figura” or

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