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and territories.. Legitimate leadership in international affairs is essential for their progressive development. However, leadership of powerful actors often means their covert hegemony in the international arena. Informal neo-empires may appear as the main actors of the future world order.of neo-empires actually aims to expand or maintain their spheres of influence. It is of differentiated character and can provide gaining of leadership or hegemony in respect of certain countries or regions. The neo-empires use a wide variety of “hard power” and “soft power” means. Contemporary neo-imperial geostrategy also involves creating of alliances and ensuring their efficient operation.Western macro-empire (led by the US) remains a leader for many countries of the modern world. Leadership of the West is a political, economic, ideological, moral and cultural, but in all these spheres leadership is often a covert hegemony. In the short term the US will remain the main leader of the world and its geostrategy is aimed at ensuring hegemony in the regions, where it has “vital interests”. Today the Western macro-empire has been consolidating by the fight against terrorism and confrontation with Russia.the global level, Russia seeks to play the role of one of several leaders - the “poles” of the world. Russia’s geostrategy in the post-Soviet space aims to achieve its informal hegemony with respect to the partner countries. Contemporary geostrategy of Russia involves the application of the imperial means, become clearly evident in its expansionism of 2014-2016 years. References1. National Security Strategy. The White House, Washington. February 2015,

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