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Функция "чтения" служит для ознакомления с работой. Разметка, таблицы и картинки документа могут отображаться неверно или не в полном объёме!

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Бурятский Государственный Университет

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Научно-педагогическое обоснование урока английского языка в 8“б” классе Лингвистической гимназии №3

Тема: “Imagine” ( УМК Colin Granger, Digby Beamount

Generation2002”, Lesson 37, 1 урок в серии уроков по теме “Imagine”).





Тип урока: Формирование лексических и грамматических навыков Задачи:1)Практическая: 1) Ознакомить учащихся с новым грамматическим материалом (Second conditional, if sentences) и тренировать до уровня репродукции.

2) Воспитательная:Способствоватьформированию

позитивного отношения к иностранному

языку, к культуре англо-говорящих стран,

формировать позитивное отношение к


Оснащение: учебник, карточки с моделями высказываний.

Ход урока:

    Организация класса и речевая подготовка.

!) Организационный момент.

Good morning, kids. Stand up and greet our guests. How are you today? How do you feel, Roksana? And what about you, Katya? I’m glad to hear you are all fine.

2) Фонетическая зарядка.

Now, please, look at the blackboard. Dima, will you read the quotation?

Dreams make people fly”

-диагностирующее чтение;

-осмысление с помощью перевода;

-обучающее чтение в режиме T-Cl-T-P1-P2-P3-T-P4;

-контролирующее чтение.

3) Речевая подготовка (беседа)

    T: I wonder if you could tell us about your dreams, Misha?

T: So, in our dreams we can do anything we want, we can be anyonewe want, we can go anywhere we want.

Основной этап.

Сообщение задачи урока:

T: Today we’re to speak about the way to express unreal, unpleasant events in the present or future. For example dreams. For that have a look at the blackboard. This is the way to speak about these situations.

На доске: IF + Past Simple, + would + infinitive (-to)

(Second conditional)

1. Now please agree with me like in the model. (карточки с моделями у детей на парте).

Model: A: If there was a fire I’d call the emergency services.

B: Quite so, if there was a fire I’d call the emergency services.

(Модель читают ученики)

1. If I were ill, I’d send for a doctor.

2. If I saw a robbery I’d call the police.

3. If I were you, I’d study harder.

4. If my friend were in a trouble I’d help him.

2. Now pretend that you know better than me, so disagree with me like in the model.

A: If I were hungry I’d go to the drug store. (snack bar).

B: You’re mistaken, I’m afraid. If I were hungry I’d go to the snack bar. (читают ученики).

1. If I were ill, I’d send for the driver. (doctor).

2. If I were dirty, I’d go to the dinning-room. (bathroom).

3. If there was a fire I’d call the police. (firefighters).

2. T: Now please answer my questions and try to prove your opinion.

    What would you buy if you had a lot of money?Who would you meet if could meet a famous person?Where would you live if could live anywhere in the world?What would you change about the way you look if could change something?What would you change about the world if you had the power to change something?

3. T: Now please open your books on page 69 and find ex. C . Julia will you read the task? For example, take the first one. So work in pairs. In the task you may meet some new words.

На доске: To shoplift, To play cards, To cheat, a purse, To kiss.

Чтение в режиме P1-T-P1-P2.

    Завершающий этап.

      Подведение итогов.

OK, that was real pleasure to work with you today. Roksana, Katya, Dima, Misha – you’ve got a five and Tanya, Surana you’ve got a four, next time please mind your grammar.

      Задание на дом

Please, look at the blackboard. There is your home task. Write it down. ( Workbook, p. 60, ex. 1,2).


1. Обоснуйте место данного урока в системе занятий по теме. К

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