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river, and were unable to escape the fare. There is said to be a time when the playhouses were so popular, that over two thousand wherry boats traveled to and from the theatre district. Once one got across the Thames, then one would walk to the entrance, where then one would drop their admission into a box (hence box office). Ticket prices varied, depending on the location of ones seat. The most exclusive of guests would sit on the stage.

The players were called the Chamberlain?s men, later known as the King?s men. The cast consisted of all males, males of all age were allowed to perform, however, no females were allowed to perform. Males played all characters, male and female. Because of this, the cast became known as the Chamberlain?s men. After much trouble with the plague (Black Death) the Chamberlains became known as the King?s men.

The plague was a very devastating problem among the theatre. The Black Death spread so quickly through the country, that throughout the reign of Queen Bess and even King Henry the VIII, at first wind of the plague, theatres were to close, for it was law. This hurt business greatly, because they could be closed for several months at a time.

Other than the plague, the Globe theatre had other hard times as well. Since the Globe was a twenty four sided circular shaped structure, with only a minimal thatched grass roof, and an open center, any time that the weather was adverse they would be forced to close down. They would have to stay closed for as long as the weather persisted. This could go on for sometimes months. The only other times that the theatre was not open was in the winter when the weather was too cold to bear, and on Sundays. The theatre in general was a ?fair weather? only operation.

The Globe was forced to close for many various reasons. None quite spelled disaster like the time that the Globe burned to the ground. Trouble came in 1613, during a performance of Shakespeare?s Henry the VIII play. A fire started when a cannon discharged, and the thatched grass roof caught on fire. The whole building burnt down in less than an hour. The surprising fact is that, ?every person, all three thousand, got out safely. No one was injured?().

Almost a year later in 1614, the theatre was rebuilt. It stood for another thirty years, until 1644, when the Puritans ?razed? it. The Puritans took it over because they believed that the theatres were evil, and should not exist. They took it over and tore it down. Now that?s all that stands in its place is a small pub.

What started out to be a small time theatre, was nothing of he sort. James Burbage built the ?Theatre,? after he passed his sons rebuilt it and called it the ?Globe,? they later had to rebuild after a fire, and finally many years the Puritans took it over, putting an end to the legend of the Globe theatre. The Globe was a well-known theatre where many famous play writers like Ben Johnson and William Shakespeare put on performances. It was infamously associated with William Shakespeare, however, the Globe was popular for many reasons. The Globe was the first theatre of its type. It was very advanced for its time; the Globe would captivate audiences with the use of a wide variety of props and music, when such things were not readily available. The Globe drew large crowds of people from all over, it was not uncommon to see famous people and even royalty at performances. The Globe was a special theatre with lots of memorable attributes, and none of it would have been possible if it were not for the loyal/ royal fans. Thanks to them, both the myth and the legend of the Globe theatre will live on.



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