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Fabric Trade Form India To Canada Essay, Research Paper

Canada, with its economic and political stability offers a variety of business opportunities. With such a large population of immigrants, Canada is known for its acceptance of diverse cultures. English and French are Canada’s official languages and there are many other languages spoken freely by diverse racial groups on Canadian soil. Many different religions are also practiced freely and peacefully in Canada.

India has a population of 986.6 million people. This country holds 15 % of the world’s entire population. Within this country, a variety of cultures and traditions can be found. Christianity, Hinduism as well as the Muslim religion are all practiced freely in India. With 18 official languages and over 900 dialects, India is one of the most culturally diverse areas in the world. Tradition and heritage are very important to the Indian people. Many Hindus in India still practice the same hymns and chants created over 3000 years ago. Many Indians, both male and female still wear traditional garments whether in their native country or abroad.

The population of immigrants in Canada represents approximately 1/6 of the total Canadian population. In order to facilitate the transition for Indian immigrants who leave their native country to come to Canada, authentic, quality textiles, ranging from silks to cottons, canvasses and rugs will be made available to them. Many traditions are expressed through these textiles. Some of them tell stories or express tradition. Others are exclusive to particular areas in India, based on their design or texture.

The accepting nature of Canadians when faced with cultural diversity, as well as the large population of Indian immigrants makes Canada an ideal market in which to sell authentic Indian textiles.

2.1 Research Objectives

The objective of this project is to obtain enough information to suggest that Indian textiles can be sold profitably in Canada. A complete analysis on both India and Canada will be established in the following pages. This information will determine whether selling authentic Indian textiles in Canada through retail stores is feasible. Our secondary objective is to learn more about the Indian and Canadian cultures, political and economic characteristics, legislative systems and infrastructure.

2.2 Research Methodology

We used the Internet as our main research tool. Statistics and facts about both countries were readily available on the World Wide Web. Many sources were referred to when trying to find statistics and facts in order to lend credibility and accuracy to our paper. There were differences between some of the sources, which forced us to verify yet a third source to find answers.

2.3 Data Analysis Techniques

The data found on the web was used to investigate the many factors that enable us to penetrate this market and establish trade with India. Economic and political stability for example, is critical to trade between the countries involved. Other factors such as the product fit with the market and the market size were also critical to this project. Through hard statistics and facts, we were able to obtain enough information about the countries to make our import plan seem feasible.

2.4 Action Plan Timeline

Between both partners, there was approximately 46 hours spent to completing this project. The first month was spent collecting data on both countries. Organizing the information took the most time. Establishing our implementation plan came next and finally structuring both the presentation and written assignment.

3.1.1 Country Profile

India, with its population of 986.6 million people, is the world’s second largest country in terms of population. There are 18 official languages in India and over 900 dialects or closely related languages. Hindi is the most common language used and English, is the second most common. There is a remarkable mosaic of cultural and racial people found in India. Many Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists and Muslims practice their religion freely and peacefully in India. Refer to Appendix ?A? for a detailed map of India.

3.1.2 Political Characteristics General

The Capital of India is New Delhi. There are 25 states and 7 union territories, which divide the country. India gained independence from the UK on August 15, 1947. The national holiday is celebrated on January 26 and the Indian people have been celebrating this Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Republic since 1950. Political System and Leaders

The Republic of India has a federal republic government system. It is a functioning democracy with a free and vibrant press. There are many political parties in India. Some represent communism or Marxist-Leninist ideals; others represent religious groups for example the Sikh or Muslim. There are socialist parties and some pressure groups, which are either religious or militant organizations, including Vishwa Hindu Parishad, and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. These various separatist groups often seek greater communal and/or regional autonomy. The chief of state is President Kicheril Raman Narayanan and has been since July 25, 1997. The Vice President is Krishnan Kant who has been in term since August 21, 1997. The head of government is Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee and the cabinet consists of a Council of Ministers, which are appointed by the president with the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The president is elected for a five-year term by an Electoral College, which consists of elected members of both houses of Parliament and the legislatures of the states. Parliamentary members of the majority party elect the Prime Minister following the election. The bicameral Parliament consists of the Council of States (a body consisting of not

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