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Alcohol Dependency Essay, Research Paper

Alcohol Dependency

Dependence is defined as a cluster of three or more existing criteria according to

the DSM-IV for alcohol dependency over a period of 12 months. According to Riley,

substance abuse is commonly referred to as an addiction. These terms are often used

interchangeably. Dependency occurs over time and is usually taken in excessive

quantities causing harm to the individual (Riley, 1998). There is no known cause for

alcohol dependency. However, there are contributing factors to the etiology of alcohol

dependence. These factors are age, gender, cultural differences, depression, and schizoid

personality traits. The DSM-IV states, “low educational level, unemployment, and lower

socioeconomic status are associated with dependency, although it is often difficult to

separate cause from effect” (DSM-IV, 1994, p. 201). Alcohol is more common in males

than females with a 5:1 ratio. The reason for the high ratio is because females have a

tendency to drink later on in life due to the increase of stressors. There is a link between

familial history increasing the risk for alcohol dependency, as well as, a genetic

predisposition (DSM-IV, 1994).

Symptoms of depression, anxiety, and insomnia accompany alcohol dependency

along with suicidal ideation. According to the DSM-IV the prognosis for individuals

with alcohol dependency is promising. “Follow up studies indicate that highly

functioning individuals show a higher than 65 percent 1 year abstinence rate following

rehabilitation. Twenty percent or greater of individuals with alcohol dependency achieve

sobriety without current treatment” (DSM-IV, 1994, p. 202-3). Most individuals

demonstrate self control and are able to actively participate regularly in daily activities.

Individuals with alcohol dependency slowly increase their social and vocational roles

with the aid of treatment (Reed, 1991).

The enzyme acetaldehyde accumulates in the blood with any consumption of

alcohol. Most treatments involve the use of Disulfiram, also known as Antabuse. It is an

inhibitor of the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase which with a single drink causes a toxic

reaction. This drug should not be administered until 24 hours after the individual’s last

drink. Several side affects could occur if one ingests alcohol while being treated with

Antabuse. Physicians should caution patients of affects. According to Kaplan and

Sadock, this drug can increase psychotic symptoms in some patients with schizophrenia

in the absence of alcohol. The drug Naltrexone aids in decreasing one’s craving for

alcohol. The recommended dosage for this drug is one dose daily. Its primary goal is to

promote abstinence by preventing relapses and decrease alcohol consumption in

individuals (Kaplan & Sadock, 1998). Anti-anxiety agents and antidepressants have

been used as treatments for those symptoms associated with alcohol. However, there is

rising attention to the use of psycho active drugs in order to control alcohol cravings

(Kaplan & Sadock, 1998). Alcohol related disorders, such as, alcohol dependency can be

accompanied by a number of other disorders: mood disorder, anxiety disorder, sexual

dysfunction and sleep disorder which are all alcohol induced. According to Kaplan and

Sadock, Lithium has shown to reduce mood cycles in manic-depression as well as an

individual’s desire to consume alcohol. Research is still underway to confirm the link

between the two. The reduction of alcohol cravings is also being researched and

validated with the use of serotonin specific re-uptake inhibitors or Tranzone (Desyrel)

(Kaplan & Sadock, 1998).

Precautions should be taken when working with an individual with alcohol

dependency. The foremost important precaution, however, is to observe drinking

behavior for relapses. Looking into the environment, whether it be at the individual’s

work or home should be considered while treating an alcohol dependent individual. This

is important in order to catch the possibilities of relapses or codependency. Another

concerning consideration in treating an individual with alcohol dependency is the

medication he/she is taking at the time of treatment. All medication the individual is

taking while consuming alcohol is also a critical issue to consider in treatment.

The alcoholic dependent person spends a great deal of their time in activities

necessary to acquire the substance, in consuming the substance, and in recovering from

its affects. At times when they are expected to fulfill major role obligations at work,

school, or at home they will be intoxicated or suffering from the symptoms of

withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms can include tremors, hallucinations, sweating,

seizures, and diarrhea. Alcoholism can be physically hazardous causing injury to the

person while engaging in occupations under the influence of alcohol. Intoxication can

cause auto accidents leading to injury or death of persons involved. There is also

deterioration in overall function especially to the liver, heart, and brain. There is a high

incidence of social, occupational, or recreational activities given up or reduced due to

substance abuse. Alcoholism affects family life, vocational performance, self-care

abilities, physical and emotional health, social relationships, and financial well-being.

Psychological and emotional deterioration for the alcoholic may include

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