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Функция "чтения" служит для ознакомления с работой. Разметка, таблицы и картинки документа могут отображаться неверно или не в полном объёме!

are known as "legislative" courts because they were created by congressional action. Judges in these courts, like their peers in other federal courts, are appointed for life terms by the president, with Senate approval.

Perhaps the most important of these special courts is the Court of Claims, established in 1855 to render judgment on monetary claims against the United States. Other special courts include the Customs Court, which has exclusive juris­diction over civil actions involving taxes or quotas on imported goods, and the Court of Customs and Patent Appeals which hears appellate motions from decisions of the Customs Court and the U.S. Patent Office.

Conclusion Although the Constitution has changed in many aspects since it was first adopted, its basic principles remain the same now as in 1789:

— The three main branches of government are separate and distinct from one another. The powers given to each are deli­cately balanced by the powers of the other two. Each branch serves as a check on potential excesses of the others.

— The Constitution, together with laws passed according to its provisions, and treaties entered into by the president and approved by the Senate, stands above all other laws, execu­tive acts and regulations.

— All persons are equal before the law and are equally enti­tled to its protection. All states are equal, and none can re­ceive special treatment from the federal government. Within

the limits of the Constitution, each state must recognize and respect the laws of the others. State governments, like the fed­eral government, must be democratic in form, with final au­thority resting with the people.

— The people have the right to change their form of national government by legal means defined in the Constitution itself.

Few Americans, however, would defend their country's record as perfect. American democracy is in a constant state of evolution. As Americans review their history, they recognize errors of performance and failures to act, which have delayed the nation's progress. They know that more mis­takes will be made in the future.

Yet the U.S. government still represents the people, and is dedicated to the preservation of liberty. The right to criticize the government guarantees the right to change it when it strays from the essential principles of the Constitution. So long as the preamble to the Constitution is heeded, the repub­lic will stand. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, "government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth."




The Bill of Rights______________________





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