Читать реферат по медицине, физкультуре, здравоохранению: "Клініка, діагностика та концептуальні основи ортопедичних заходів у комплексному лікуванні дефектів та деформацій зубо-щелепної системи хворих з незрощеннями верхньої губи та піднебіння" Страница 25

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Dentistry of the Аcademy of Мedical Sciences of Ukraine”, Odessa, 2008. The dissertation is devoted to a new solution for scientific-practical dental problem of multidisciplinary prosthetic and orthodontic treatment and rehabilitation of patients with cleft palate from their birth till adulthood. It was concluded that the usage of proposed methods and technological processes of special prostheses' fabrication resulted in restoration of physiological functions of feeding and breathing from the first days of child's birth as well as improved phonetics and aesthetics later. Prosthetic treatment of such patients must be multidisciplinary and step-by-step according to child's age and the sequence of surgical cleft closure. The worked-out practical recommendations for the usage of study results can be widely applied in facial rehabilitation centers as well as in orthodontic departments of dental polyclinics. Key words: cleft palate, prosthetic treatment.