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Энциклопедия, М., 1994; его ж·е, Очерки теории и политики этничности в России, М., 1997;

Токарев С.А., Этнография народов СССР, М., 1958; его ж·е, Религия в истории народов мира, М., 1976; его же, Истоки этнографической науки (до середины 19 в.), М., 1978; его же (гл. ред.), Мифы народов мира, т. 1-2, М., 1980-82;

Тэйлор Э., Первобытная культура, М., 1939;

Тэрне·р В., Символ и ритуал, М., 1983;

Фролов Б.А., Палеолитическая графика Европы, М., 1992;

Чебоксаров Н.Н., Чебоксарова И.А., Народы, расы, культуры, М., 1984;

Чисто·в К.В., Народные традиции и фольклор. Очерки теории, Л., 1986;

Шнирельман В.А., Происхождение скотоводства, М., 1980; его ж·е, Возникновение производящего хозяйства, М., 1989;

Этнология. Учебник для высших учебных заведений, М., 1994;

Этнос в доклассовом и раннеклассовом обществе, М., 1982;

Assessing Cultural Anthropology, ed. by R. Borofsky, New York, 1994;

Barth F., Ethnic Groups and Boundaries, Boston, 1969;

Boa·s F., The Mind of Primitive Man, New York, 1911; его ж·е, Race, Language and Culture, New York, 1940;

Burridge K., Encountering Aborigines, New York, 1972;

Cliffor·d J., The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth Century Ethnography, Literature and Art, Cambridge, 1988;

Cliffor·d J. and Marcu·s G., eds., Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography, Berkeley, 1986;

Da·s V., Structure and Cognition: Aspects of Hindu Caste and Ritual, Delhi, 1977;

Douglas M., Purity and Danger, New York, 1966;

Durkheim E., The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, New York, 1915;

Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Antropology, ed. by A. Barnard and J. Spencer, London, 1996;

Evans-Pritchar·d E., Nuer Religion, Oxford, 1956;

Fo·x R., ed., Recapturing Anthropology: Working in the Рresent, Santa Fe, 1991; его ж·е, Kinship and Marriage, Middlesex, 1967;

Frazer J.G., Adonis, Attis, Osiris. (Later published as Vol. IV of The Golden Bough), London, 1907;

Geertz C., The Interpretation of Cultures, New York, 1973; его ж·е, Myth, Symbol and Culture, New York, 1974;

Godelie·r M. and Strather·n M., eds., Big Men and Great Men: Personification of Power in Melanesia, New York, 1991;

Greenberg J., Language in the Americas, Stanford, 1987;

Harris M., Cultural Materialism, New York, 1979;

Hubert H., Mauss M., Sacrifice: Its Nature and Function, London, 1964;

Ingold T., Companion Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Humanity, Culture and Social Life, London, 1994;

Kleinma·n A., Patients and Healers in the Context of Culture, Berkeley, 1980;

Kroebe·r A., The Nature of Culture, Chicago, 1952;

Kupe·r A., The Invention of Primitive Society: Transformations of an Illusion, London, 1988;

Leac·h E., Political Systems of High Land Burma, Boston, 1954;

Lessa W.E., Vogt E., Reader in Comparative Religion: An Anthropological Approach, New York, 1972;

Levinson D., Malone M.J., Toward Explaining Human Culture: A Critical Review of the Findings of Worldwide, 1980;

Levi-Strauss C., Race et histoire, Paris, 1961;

Levy-Bruhl L., Primitive Mentality, Boston, 1966;

Malinowski B., Magic, Science and Religion, New York, 1954;

Marcu·s G. and Fishe·r M., Anthropology as Cultural Critique, Chicago, 1986;

Morris B., Anthropological Studies of Religion. An Introductory Text, Cambridge, 1987;

Murdock G.P., Ethnographic Atlas, Pittsburgh, 1967;

Radcliffe-Brow·n A., Structure and Function in Primitive Society, Glencee, 1952;

Rappapor·t R., Pigs for the Ancestors, New Haven, 1984; его ж·е, Ecology, Meaning and Religion, Richmond, 1979;

Rosman A., Rubel P., The Tapestry of Culture. An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, New York, 1995;

Sahlin·s M., Culture and Practical Reason, Chicago, 1976;

Smith R.W., The Religion of the Semites: the Fundamental Institutions, New York, 1972;

Spiro M.E., Religion: Problems of Definition and Explanation, In Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Religion, London, 1966;

Stokin·gG., Race, Culture and Evolution: Essays in the History of Anthropology, New York, 1968;

Strather·n M., Reproducing the Future: Essays on Antropology, Kinship and the New Reproductive Technologies, Manchester, 1992;

Taussi·g M., Shamanism, Colonialism and the Wild Man: A Study in Terror and Healing Chicago, 1987;

Tishko·v V., Ethnicity, Nationalism and conflict in and after the Soviet Union, London, 1997;

Trigger B., The Determinants of Settlement Patterns, In Settlement Archaeology. K.C. Chang, Palo Alto, 1968;

Van den Berghe P., Race and Racism: A Comparative Perspective, New York, 1967;

Van Gennep A., The Rites of Passage, London, 1960;

Wachtel N., L'acculturation. Dans Faire de l'histoire, Paris, 1974;

Wallace A., Religion. An Anthropological View, New York, 1966;

Weber M., Economy and Society, New York, 1968; его ж·е, The Sociology of Religion, London, 1965;

Winthrop R.H., Dictionary of Concepts in Cultural Anthropology, New York, 1991.

В.А. ТИШКОВ, главный редактор.

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