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projects that they don't understand and the information technology workers who implement and maintain those projects. (comp)- A non-spam e-mail message; a legitimate e-mail message that is blocked or filtered because it contains one or more keywords normally associated with spam messages. (nm)- Programmer's term for a software bug that alters its behavior when you try to isolate it or examine it. (!!!)spot - A Web site that experiences a massive surge in traffic, usually in response to an event or promotion. (comp)- A hypertextual manuscript. (af)- Any real or imagined electromechanical technology that enhances the musculo-skeletal system. (af)- Wearable or ingested computer technology that monitors internal body functions. (bd)- Literature in the scientific sense, meaning published papers, on the Internet. (bd)filter - An email program filter that has been configured to automatically delete incoming messages that contain certain jargon terms or buzzwords. (comp)Waltz - The computer poetry movement (comp) plaque - The dirt, dust, and other grime that gather on keyboard (comp)- A young, malicious hacker who isn’t smart enough to create custom hacking software, so must rely on programs created by other people (comp) kid+idiot - In a computer game, a list of the enemies that a player killed (comp) kill+board- Using a portable camera to broadcast one`s activities over the Internet 24 hours a day. (comp) life+castrot - The gradual obsolescence of the link on a Web page as the sites they point to become unavailable. (wc)- The academic study of games, particularly video games.(bd) bomb - A computer virus set for a timed release. When the virus “detonates”, it deliberately disrupts, modifies, or erases data. (wc)- doing to others before they do unto you.(suff+pref)- 1) Piece of wood. 2) log on\off to surf the net (conv)page - A Web page capitalizing on a current fad (wc)- A small foot-print Web browser (suff+comp)area network - A next-generation car with an electronic system that includes amenities such as Global Positioning Satellite receivers s well as sensors to monitoring lights, engine, climate control, road conditions, and more (wc)- An e-mail that is referring to other e-mails (af)- A short program, or the edited highlights from a longer program, designed to be watched on a small, mobile screen such as a digital media player or a mobile phone (comp) mobile+episode- Swithes gates, transistors and other electronic devices build on a molecular scale (bd) - Mobile social software; a software that enables you to use your mobile phone to find an interact with people near you (abr)potato - A person who spends a lot of time at the computer (wc)- A technique that forces a user to remain on a particular Web page (nm)movie - An interactive movie CD- or Internet-based movie that enables viewers to choose from several different plot lines (wc)- Forwarded messages, jokes, lists, and other unsolicited noncommercial e-mail messages sent by an individual to a large number of people (nm+comp) Meat+loaf- A computer with an Intel microprocessor running the Macintosh operating system and software (comp) Macintosh+telephone- A letter, e-mail, or other message that insults, criticizes, or attempts to intimidate the recipient. (comp) nasty + gram- An Internet-based company. (bd) Internet + company- Browser's knowledge. (nm+wc)- What the Internet is said to be suffering from on the days when response times and download times are slower than usual.(bd)- A conversation with no subject, especially in chat. (bd)spam - Unwanted or unnecessary messages sent over a corporate e-mail system. (wc)feed - To post to a Wiki. (comp+wc)line wonder - A Web page that contains only a single useful link.(comp+wc)P - 1. Describes a network or other technology that enables users to trade files directly without requiring a central database or server. 2. Person-to-person adj. Describes a payment service that enables one individual to pay another for an online transaction (such as an auction sale). (abr+nm+conv)jack - To steal a Web page and submit it to search engines under a different address. Users who run a search and attempt to access the page are then routed to another-usually pornographic-site. (comp+nm)- Creating a replica of an existing Web page to fool a user into submitting personal, financial, or password data. (nm)fluid - Term used by programmers to refer to coffee, Jolt cola, or any other high-caffeine stimulant that helps them get through all-night coding sessions. (comp)dance - A mostly ceremonial sequence of actions performed in the hope that they will solve a computer problem (wc) - Malicious software that encrypts a person`s computer files and demands a ransom to decrypt the files. (aff)only user - A person who uses the Internet exclusively for reading Web pages, e-mail, and newsproups instead of creating their own content.(comp+wc)- 1) The inability for a computer to maintain stability at crucial moments.

) A computer problem arousing feelings of intense fear, horror, and distress. (comp+conv)- sending text messages while standing outside on a smoking break (comp) Smoke+text- delivering video programming aimed at an extremely small audience (comp) Sliver+castattack -A series of minor computer crimes - slices of a large crime - that are different to detect and trace (wc+nm)- The informal, decentralized system of transmitting texts, particularly jokes, over the Internet (nm+comp) jack - To include in a Web page popular, but superfluous, search terms in order to appear in the result when people search for those terms (wc+nm)- Your name garbled in a computer (nm)memo - A memo letter, or e-mail message that contains irrefutable evidence or crime (wc)- The transfer of files form one computer to another using a floppy disk or another removable medium (comp+nm) - the practice of winning in an online auctions (suf+nm)media - Online sites and technologies that enable people to contribute or share content,

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