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Протокол засідання кафедри №18

від "13" травня 2015 р.

зав. кафедри проф. Макар Ю.І. Дипломна робота

Особливості взаємовідносин між Європейським Союзом і Росією та їх вплив на євроінтеграційні наміри України Виконав:

студент 5 курсу, групи 505

Гурскіс Б.Л.


к.ф.н, доц. Струтинський В.Є. Чернівці - 2015


integration is one of the most relevant topics for study in Ukraine. This is caused by the international activity of our state and activity of the European Union and Russia. Today Ukraine is in the process of modernization in its development. The successful passage of this period also depends on international cooperation, especially with the EU, despite the signing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU.of foreign policy is related to the geopolitical situation. For Ukraine it is special, because we are on the border of Western and Eastern civilizations. Understanding of relations between Ukraine and the EU is impossible without a third party - Russian Federation. Influence of Russia, even after the signing of the Association Agreement, has a significant impact on international relations of our country.purpose of this work is the study of relationships in the triangle EU-Russia-Ukraine and identify their impact on the European integration intentions of Ukraine. According to the purpose:

To study the theoretical and methodological basis of international relations;

To analyze the international interests of the EU and Russia and the place of Ukraine in them;

To investigate the processes of European integration and Russia's influence on its course;

To analyze the development of relations between Ukraine and the EU on the way to the signing of the Association Agreement;

To investigate the dependence of European integration of Ukraine from the influence of the Russian factor.the first chapter we examined the theoretical, methodological and conceptual foundations of our research. In the first place we turned to the etymology of the concept of integration, approaches to its interpretation, especially in view of the application to the relations in the triangle EU-Ukraine-Russia. European integration is the process of rapprochement between the countries in political, economic, institutional, legal, cultural and social terms. Regarding theories of integration, the main ones are federalism, functionalism and neofunctionalism, transnationalism, and communication theory. Next, we examined the methodological aspects of the research, analyzed the differences between American, English, French and German approaches to the explanation of international relations. In the final part of the first section we have analyzed the source base of the research.the second Chapter we analyzed the relationship between the EU, Russia and Ukraine in the context of European integration intentions of Ukraine. Ukraine occupies a special place in the system of international interests of Russia, since the implementation of its integration projects is the primary mechanism to restore the status of a world power. These integration projects cannot be successful without Ukraine. This explains the interest of Russia in the Ukrainian territories. The EU has always sought to turn Ukraine into a buffer zone between it and Russia.recent times, the EU in terms of foreign policy spends the most effort on the Eastern border, namely the war in Eastern Ukraine and Russia's influence on its course. Before the conflict in the east, Ukraine was discussed with an eye on the reaction of Russia. The last events slightly changed the situation, although it is still observed in the behavior of individual EU countries, particular those that are too dependent on Russian energy (Czech Republic, Hungary). Another limiting factor of building relations with Ukraine without Russian factor is geopolitical interests. So, France and Germany due to the existence of a strong Russia wants to reduce US influence on global processes. Also, they need relatively strong (especially economically) Russia for confidence in a stable energy supply and overall economic cooperation.the third Chapter we have traced the relationship between Ukraine and the EU and has determined that the relations between our countries were established gradually and depended both on the domestic political situation and the processes within the EU. The period of the 1990s was a kind of timeout and monitoring of developments in Ukraine. Ukraine first 20 years of independence has successfully passed tests for peaceful conflict resolution, and the victory of the revolution in 2004 added optimism to both Ukraine and the EU. In the early 2000s, the situation has become more intense through internal political processes in Ukraine, namely the "cassette scandal" and protests "Ukraine without Kuchma". The Yushchenko presidency was marked by a clear movement towards European integration and the beginning of the negotiation process between Ukraine and the European Union on concluding a new enhanced agreement to replace the Agreement on partnership and cooperation, which began in March 2007 according to the action Plan Ukraine-EU. His successor, Viktor Yanukovych continued close cooperation with the EU, despite the restoration

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