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independence in broadcasting, and promote and develop broadcasting to better serve the information and development needs of the rural and urban poor.

This NGO has potential to greatly help address other specific contemporary country problems. If MISA accomplishes their goals, the people of Zimbabwe will be able to learn of news and events that are happening in their country. Once they are aware of what is happening around them, they will be more inspired to bring about change. In one aspect, this NGO could be one of the most influential NGO’s to be instituted in Africa.

Looking back at what I’ve learned about NGO’s and their influences, I believe that they are extremely positive programs that greatly help countries solve their problems. There are very few weaknesses of NGO’s. Some of which are a limited financial budget, little management expertise, and low levels of self-sustainability. However, with more organization and participation, most of the weaknesses can be overcome. The strengths of NGO’s greatly outweigh the weaknesses. These include the ability to innovate and adapt, they provide a process-oriented approach to development, and are very cost effective. Furthermore, One of the most important strengths is the strong grassroots links that they provide. The people of Africa seem very willing to learn things and use their knowledge to help themselves. Here in the USA, people seem extremely lazy and are way to dependent on the government. We have a vast amount of knowledge right at our fingertips, especially with the emergence of the internet. We have all this knowledge and people just choose not to use their minds and capabilities. That is a rather disconcerting thought.

NGO’s like the Media Institute of Southern Africa are put in place to help the environment, the economy, and most importantly the people. They help avoid government corruption and attack the problem head on rather than beating around the bush in the political arena. It is inspiring to know that there are organizations out there with the soul purpose of helping people.
