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advanced resort economy and tourism, and also frontier territories carrying out transit and transport-distributive functions.and the classification of functional types of use of territories remains to one of the main problems of modern geography and geoplanning.general maps of frameworks of anthropogenic loadings are necessary for supplementing by display "of hot points" and "hot areas", which usually require radical geoplanning decisions on their localization and liquidation. Hot points can be sources high anthropogenic loadings and pollution of environment, among which separate economic objects, dumps and ranges firm household waste, warehouses and storehouses of mineral fertilizers and weed and pest-killer chemicals, cattle-breeding complexes and farms, burial ground of cattle).areas can be the polluted water objects, career, irrigation system, location of military parts.

Geoplanning: the connected analysis of framework of ecological safety and anthropogenic loadings of region. At the figure 3 imposing a framework of ecological safety and anthropogenic loadings of region (figure 2) on a natural framework of its ecological safety (figure 1) is shown. The connected analysis of these two structures in many respects defines a subject domain of geoplanning of region, its main directions and tasks. The main questions, on which should give the answer the connected analysis of skeletons of ecological safety of anthropogenic loadings, are those:

The degree of security of territory by sites of the not broken biosphere also is extensive of used natural environment;

General level of anthropogenic loading, its qualitative and quantitative distinctions, features of spatial distribution;

Degree of polarization of a landscape on mutual distance and delimitation "biosphere windows" and areas of the maximal economic loadings;

Best-worse echeloned of sites with different economic use by way of gradual transitions from the large loadings to smaller and on the contrary;

Negative influences of ecological barriers (transport communications) and problem of their crossing with ecological corridors;

Feature of spatial distribution "of hot points" and " hot areas" and problem of minimization of their influences.1. Model of biosphere organization of natural environmentwith intensive nature management and high economic loadingwith extensive nature management and small economic loadingwith minimal nature managementunused reserved territories (biosphere "window")corridors2. Model of territorial organization of the population and economy (sociosphere and technosphere)- economic centres of different ranks popularity and economic potentialof economic use of grounds (from intensive to extensive)communications (means of communication, transmission line and communication (connection), pipelines etc.) different ranks3. Theoretical model of territorial organization of system "nature - society"and urban areas different social-economic of ranksuse of grounds and levels man-man-made of loadings

residential of ground of cities and urban areas with the maximal anthropogenous loadings on territory

Ground of intensive economic use with high man-man-made loadings

Ground of extensive economic use with moderate man-man-made by loadings

Unused grounds (especially protected natural territories)

biosphere corridors

biosphere barriershighways biosphere buffer zones Bibliography 1. Atlas: Ukraina. Promyslovist’ ta investytsiina diial’nist’ (naukovyi redactor chlen-korrespondent NAN Ukrainy L. Rudenko) - Kyiv: Institute of geography NAN of Ukraine, DNVP “Kartografia”, 2003. - 80.

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