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Introduction The theme of my term paper sounds as following: «Verb. The Categories of Voice Mood in English and Armenian». Before beginning of investigation in our theme, I would like to say some words dealt with the theme of my course paper. The verb is characterized by a number of categories: tense, aspect, voice, mood and correlation. In this work we are going to examine the categories of voice and mood in English and Armenian.

Grammatically the verb is the most complex part of speech. First of all it performs the central role in realizing predication - connection between situation in the utterance and reality.

The following presentation of the categorial system of the English verb is based on oppositional criteria worked out in the course of grammatical studies of language by Russian and foreign scholars.voice of the English verb is expressed by the opposition of the passive form of the verb to the active form of the verb. The passive form as the strong member of the opposition expresses reception of the action by the subject of the syntactic construction (i.e. the «passive» subject, denoting the object of the action); the active form as the weak member of the opposition leaves this meaning unspecified, i.e. it expresses «non-passivity».

The category of mood expresses the character of connection between the process denoted by the verb and the actual reality, either presenting the process as a fact that really happened, happens or will happen, or treating it as an imaginary phenomenon, i.e. the subject of a hypothesis, speculation, desire. What is, though, the formal sign of this categorial opposition? What kind of morphological change makes up the material basis of the functional semantics of the oppositional contrast of forms? The answer to this question, evidently, can be obtained as a result of an observation of the relevant language data in the light of the two correlated presentations of the category, namely, a formal presentation and a functional presentation.on such ground, I would like to point out tasks and aims of my work

. The first task of my work is to give definition to term «voice» and «mood».

. The second task is to show the use and formation of voice in English and Armenian.

. The third task is to give the classification of moods in English and Armenian.

. The last task of my work is to characterize each mood from grammatical point of view.our opinion the practical significance of our work is hard to be overvalued. This work reflects modern trends in linguistics and we hope it would serve as a good manual for those who wants to master modern English language.having proved the actuality of our work, I would like to describe the composition of it:work consists of four parts: introduction, the main part, conclusion and bibliography. Within the introduction part we gave the brief description of our course paper. The main part of the work includes several items. There we discussed such problems as the voice in English and Armenian, their formation and use, the number of moods in English and Armenian, their classification, and etc. In the conclusion to our work we tried to draw some results from the scientific investigations made within the present course paper. In bibliography part we mentioned some sources which were used while compiling the present work. It includes linguistic books and articles dealing with the theme, a number of used dictionaries and encyclopedias and also some internet sources.

Our task in the objective study of language, as well as in language teaching, is to accurately register these phenomena, to explain their mechanism and systemic implications, to show the relevant tendencies of usage in terms of varying syntactic environments, topical contexts, stylistic preferences.

1. The category of voice

mood languages armenian grammatical

By the category of voice we mean different grammatical ways of expressing the relation between a transitive verb and its subject and object.majority of authors of English theoretical grammars seem to recognize only two voices in English: the active and the passive.. Sweet, O. Curme recognize two voices. There are such terms, as inverted object, inverted subject and retained object in Sweet's grammar.Inverted object is the subject of the passive construction. The Inverted subject is the object of the passive constructions.rat was killed by the dog. O. Jespersen calls it «converted subject».in the active construction like: «The examiner asked me three questions» either of the object words may be the subject of the passive sentence.

I was asked 3 questions by the examiner.questions were asked by the examiner.

Words me and three questions are called retained objects.. Poutsma besides the two voices mentioned above finds one more voice - reflexive. He writes: «It has been observed that the meaning of the Greek medium is normally expressed in English by means of reflexive or, less frequently, by reciprocal pronouns». It is because of this H. Poutsma distinguishes in Modern English the third voice. He transfers the system of the Greek grammar into the system of English. He gives the following examples:

He got to bed, covered himself up warm and fell asleep. H. Whitehall

This grammarian the traditional terms indirect and direct objects replaced by inner and outer complements (words of position 3 and 4) consequently. The passive voice from his point of view is the motion of the words of position 3 and 4 to position one. The verb is transformed into a word-group introduced by parts of be, become, get and the original subject is hooked into the end of the sentence by means of the preposition by.treatment of the problem is found in theoretical courses written by Russian grammarians.most of them recognize the existence of the category of voice in present-day English.this

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