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"Translation of political literature "


I. Theoretical part

1. Translation and its aim

1.1 Translation of Political literature

2. Difficulties in translation of political literature

2.1 Grammatical difficulties of translation

2.2 Lexical difficulties of transformation

2.3 Stylistic difficulties of translation

2.4 The difficulty of translation of set phrases and idioms

II. Practical part. Translation of political literature




Politics plays very important role in a state`s development. It also defines the strategy in relations between countries. Our state is committed to get to the international level that`s why keeping contacts with other countries become more and more important. To understand and represent political interests properly, it`s necessary to have knowledge about translation of political literature, documents, speeches, and etc. That is the topicality of this work.my course work I’ve set forth to study the translation methods and ways using for translation of Political literature at a deeper level and to consider the function of political literature in our everyday life.aim of this work is to find out the peculiarities of translation of political literature. The following tasks should be completed:

to review all the sources of Political literature

- to reveal the methods of translation of Political literature

to investigate grammatical, lexical, stylistic and phraseological difficulties of translation of political literature.

The object of this course work can be considered as one that gives the detailed review of the ways political literature can be translated into Russian language. It also helps to improve one’s understanding of the principal rules of translation.subject of the course work is principally translation of political letters, political articles and political writings created by famous political leaders.working on my course work I used the following methods of investigation:

Comparative analysis - I discovered various sources of information about political literature and its translation and then compared it to identify the main aspects.

translation political literature difficulty

- Classification - I classified political literature into several parts such as political letters, political articles and political writings. It was necessary to find out the information about each of them and then combined the received information.passed my professional practice in a translation agency where I principally worked with political texts and documents. To translate them I read special literature such as "Translation difficulties” by T. R. Levitskaya. Above all I had to use newspapers and magazines to find out the information about politics. The base of investigation consists of these materials.

The hypothesis I should mention that this research work represents a great theoretical value for those willing to take up their future carrier in the field of translations as invaluable reference to the methods and the ways of translation of Political literature.

And the practical value of this work involves the idea that translation represents a field aimed at training future translators or interpreters to translate verbal and written materials on Political subjects basing on the study of International politics, to differentiate the language features of English, Russian and other languages as well as political lexicology, phraseology, syntax and style.given course work contains introduction, two chapters, conclusion and bibliography list.first chapter gives a detailed review of the study of the general theory of translation and also reveals the role of political literature in everyday life of the humanity which is believed to be interesting to future translator/interpreters. It also discussed the methods of translation of political literature with purpose to make it easier for translator to achieve adequate translation in the target language.second chapter deals with the detailed study of grammatical, lexical, stylistic difficulties involved in translation of political literature.conclusion I have summed up the results of my laborious investigation translation of political literature.the end of the research work I have attached the bibliography list to enable the future translator to use information sources used in this work.

I. Theoretical part 1. Translation and its aim

Almost every aspect of life in general and of the interaction between speech communities in particular can be considered relevant to translation, a discipline which has to concern itself with how meaning is generated within and between various groups of people in various cultural settings. This is clearly too big area to investigate in one go. Translators will need something other than the current mixture of intuition and practice to enable them to reflect on what they do and how they do it. They will need, above all, to acquire a sound knowledge of the raw material with which they work: to understand what language is and how it comes to function for its users.is a process of rendering a text by means of other languages. The difference of translation from retelling or other kinds of transfer of a given text is that that translation is a process of creating an original unity in contexts and forms of original.translation quality is defined by its completeness and value. "The completeness and value of translation means definite rendering of the contextual sense of the original piece and a high-grade functional-stylistic conformity. "matter how a translator (interpreter) is talented he should remember two most important conditions of the process of translation: the first is that the aim of

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