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Функция "чтения" служит для ознакомления с работой. Разметка, таблицы и картинки документа могут отображаться неверно или не в полном объёме!

situations, maps, road signs, instructions etc.- stories, notes, essays, letters, applications, medical forms, lists, email, texting, work, school, home, travel etc.- speeches, events, radio, TV, songs, announcements, games, movies, travel, instructions, conversations etc.vocabulary introduction is usually started with the following topics:- discuss both upper and lowercase, proper names, vowels and consonants. Be sure that each student knows and understands the sound that each letter produces.- talk about primary, secondary and tertiary colours. Mix colours and talk about what they produce. Discuss tints, shades and moods that colours induce. Examples of objects and pictures is always key to give the lesson reality, interest and focus.- give examples of all the main shapes and use objects and pictures to display the principles of shape.- teach numerical order, placing things in first, second and third place, cardinal numbers and how critical numbers are in everyday life.time - discuss clocks, watches, how to tell time, o'clock, hours, minutes, seconds and a. m. and p. m. Use a real clock to talk about the aspect of numbers and the different meals or chores of the day and when they occur.calendar - talk about special dates like birthdays, holidays, events, days of the week and month names. Create a special calendar in the classroomand first thing in morning talk about the date and stick a themed picture on it if the day is a special occasion.- Create scenes, draw and show pictures and get the students to really discuss every aspect of each season. Talk about clothing, weather and nature and how everything changes with each new season. Have a large chart where pictures can be added that reflect all these seasonal ideas and themes., we can see pictures of many types and colours can be used successfully to show the meaning of words and sentence. Handmade pictures can also be used as there is no need to be very artistic.can be used to explain the meaning of things, actions, qualities, and relations. A line drawing of a head, for example, provides many useful nouns and verbs.scientific research on vocabulary instruction reveals that most vocabulary is acquired incidentally through indirect exposure to words. Students can acquire vocabulary incidentally by engaging in rich oral-language experiences at home and at school, listening to books read aloud to them, and reading widely on their own. Reading volume is very important in terms of long-term vocabulary development.and Hiebert reason that extensive reading gives students repeated or multiple exposures to words and is also one of the means by which students see vocabulary in rich contexts. Cunningham recommends providing structured read-aloud and discussion sessions and extending independent reading experiences outside school hours to encourage vocabulary growth in students [12, p.18].

1.3 Teaching Vocabulary in English Language: Effective Methodologies

is noteworthy to mention here that vocabulary items are imparted mostly by translation: either a list of words with their translation at the beginning of the lesson or the translation of the content having new words or glossaries at the very end. This is an erroneous practice as it leads to a state of confusion for the learners. On the teaching skills of vocabulary items, Frisby commented that "While the teacher is not, himself, concerned with the actual selection of vocabulary for text book purposes since practically all the books we use are based on limited vocabularies, it is important that he/she (the teacher) should know the principles, which underlie vocabulary selection" [15, p.34]. Thus it signifies that a language teacher should be innovative and proficient in the application of methodologies pertaining to teaching vocabulary items in a classroom situation.are the main methodologies for teaching vocabulary items in an English language classroom.Carefullylistening to the words may be a good option in teaching vocabulary items in a heterogenic classroom. "Let the students hear the word in isolation and in a sentence. If the sounds of the word have been mastered, the students will hear it correctly with two or three repetitions. "pronunciation without distortion will help. Breaking the word into parts and building up to the whole word will also be helpful.the Wordthe word enables the students to remember it longer and identify it more readily when they hear or see it.teacher in the process of teaching vocabulary should work on fostering word consciousness.more general way to help students develop vocabulary is by fostering word consciousness, an awareness of and interest in words. Word consciousness is not an isolated component of vocabulary instruction; it needs to be taken into account each and every day. It can be developed at all times and in several ways: through encouraging adept diction, through word play, and through research on word origins or histories. According to Graves, "If we can get students interested in playing with words and language, then we are at least halfway to the goal of creating the sort of word-conscious students who will make words a lifetime interest. "exposures in multiple contexts are very efficient. One principle of effective vocabulary learning is to provide multiple exposures to a word's meaning. There is great improvement in vocabulary when students encounter vocabulary words often. According to Stahl, students probably have to see a word more than once to place it firmly in their long-term memories. "This does not mean mere repetition or drill of the word," but seeing the word in different and multiple contexts. In other words, it is important that vocabulary instruction provide students with opportunities to encounter words repeatedly and in more than one context.of vocabulary tasks is given below.

- Intentional instruction of vocabulary items is required for specific texts.

- Repetition and multiple exposures to

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