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Ministry of Еducation and Sciеncе of thе Rеpublic of Kazakhstan. N. Gumilyov Еurasian National Univеrsityof PhilologyЕNIOR THЕSISеmе: Internet in teaching Foreign Languages: 5B050119 "Forеign languagе two forеign languagеs”Complеtеd by: Satysheva A.FL-48еrvisеd by: Karmеlyuk A.V.

(Sеnior tеachеr)



1. The employment of Internet in teaching FL

1.1 The role of FL and Internet nowadays

1.2 The modern methods of teaching 4 basic skills

2. The usage of Internet technologies for effective FL acquisition

2.1 Social nеtworking sitеs oriеntеd to languagе lеarning

2.2 Nеtiquеttе rulеs

3. My practical part

3.1 My experiment and experience; experience of teachers of FL

3.2 Analysis of experience: my and teachers of FL



Introduction 21st century is named as an era of new technologies. Mobile phones, computers, Internet and gadgets have become indispensable part of our life. It is not a secret that technologies penetrate all aspects and fields of our life. And scholars more and more find ways how effectively use them in particular sphere.education is one of them. In my work I want to analyze how Internet used in modern system of education and also to emphasize the challenges of using of its technologies in learning foreign languages.

The topicality: It is impossible to imagine our life without those incentives which Internet provides our daily activities. Lets, analyze at least one of its products as an example which conquered the people’s minds all over the world. Social networks acquire more and more popularity, for example 500,000 registered users of Facebook; are diverse: 250 millions of social networks; have easy access to join and require no payment. The new generation of peoples is defined by their reliance of media, their technological multitasking capabilities, and their propensity toward all things new. Virtual communication and connections are playing significant roles in people’s interactions.has penetrates all aspects of life, one of them is education. In the era of globalization and internationalization the Internet becomes a dominant tool for adapting to the new environment. There are many options opened now for learning and teaching languages. Examples of foreign language learning sites that use social networking features include Palabea, Live Mocha, and Babbel. The main purpose of these online communities is to share and learn new languages through social interaction. Although many language learning websites using Web 2.0 social networking features are less than a year old, many already boast a large and active population of users who regularly log in to interact and learn from each other. One of the features of these sites, and possibly the most intriguing for language learning, is the opportunity for users to interact directly with native speakers through the use of video, audio, or text-based chat. This interaction between language learners can also be defined as "eTandem" and allows users to learn a new language and teach their native languages by using a communication tool. These language learning websites can provide the real-time, conversational aspect of learning a language that is sometimes only available when visiting or living in a foreign country. While language learning websites using Web 2.0 technology may offer great promise for foreign language education, there is a lack of research on how users currently use these sites for collaborative learning and social interaction purposes. There is also a lack of research on the pedagogical and technical usability of these sites and how potential language learners could use these sites to enhance their own language learning abilities.interests groups influence language learning.

The aim: to analyze the opportunities and affectivity of using Internet and its tools such as Web 2 application - social networking/blogging.

The objectives:

to review literature on modern methods in teaching FL;explain Internet applications and to emphasize opportunities of these applications in teaching FL;present practically how Internet can assist in teaching FL;conclude the challenges of using Internetobject: methodology of teaching Fl to explore the usage of Internet application in teaching FL.

The subject: Internet and its applications (blogging, social networks).

The scientific novelty: this research work is modern and convenient for FL learners because Internet application deals with innovative technologies, which are used nowadays in a learning process. The ability of the individual users to collaborate, create, and share content with other users may prove especially useful for learning languages. Social networks have generally been used informally for noneducational social interaction purposes.

The theoretical significance: the theory could be used for further researches in the field of modern innovative technologies.

The practical significance: Internet could be applied on the lessons and also recommendations will be used by teachers and FL learners.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the thesis are based on the sources of my thesis. Authors of some of the sources of my thesis are: Gattegno, Hernandez, Starch, Filippov, Bourn, Savignon, Johnson, Kurland, Sparks, Ramage, Kahn, Kleinrock, Thomlinson, Postel, Davies, Warschauer, O'reilly, Leene, Pinkman, Kathleen, Haythornthwaite, Passov,Polat, Filatov, Bitsilli, Troubetzkoy, Budagov, Azilov, Milrud, Bim, Sadamova, Mirolubov, Eluhina, Lyakhovitskii, Galskova, Gez, Sakharova,Rogova, Kolker, Folomkina, Vaisburd, Kupriyanova.

internet teaching foreign language

1. The employment

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