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Politics of Human Rights

“Do women rights suffer more in violent conflict than men’s” Aichurek Zhunusova Often international armed conflicts, civil wars and other conflicts are the reason for collapse of government, destruction of civil society and loss of respect to laws and norms. International Human Rights law was designed to protect everyone’s dignity and humanity of all. It is a system of international norms designed to protect and promote the human rights of all persons. These rights, which are inherent in all human beings, whatever their nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status, are interrelated, interdependent and indivisible (Masson-Matthee, Toebes and Brus 2013). In order to strengthen the protection of everybody during the armed conflicts laws and norms need to be constantly reviewed and developed, and should be seen as an effort. is a clear indication that women suffer various forms of victimizations during political violence and violent conflict especially in the African continent. This is because women have been disproportionately affected by conflict as casualties of violence, internally displaced persons and as refugees. The Rwandan Genocide of 1994 epitomizes various forms of violence women suffer during armed conflict and political violence ranging from sexual abuse to loss of lives. Scholars often provide one sided view of women as victims, particularly of sexual abuse (Kelly 2000, Yuval-Davis 1997). Undoubtedly, the most widely victimization of violence women suffer during armed conflict and political violence is sexual abuse, however, there are various forms of victimizations against women and this paper aims at contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the various forms of violence women suffer during armed conflict and political violence. Women suffer both direct and indirect victimizations during and after violent conflict. In recent times, scholars attention have been drawn to issues such as women’s rights abuses during violent conflict (Bunch and Carrillo 1992) and also issues of internally displaced or refugee women as victims of war (Wallace 1993, Benjamin and Fancy 1998). Women’s testimonies of their experiences during violent conflict have also been given some form of attention (Turshen and Twagiramariya 1998, Bennett et al. 1995). However, there is still insufficient recognition of women’s victimization during violent conflict except by feminist researchers and practitioners and this has serious implications for conflict and development in our societies (Caroline and Fiona 2001).against women and in conflict harms families impoverishes communities and reinforces other forms of inequality. In addition, women and girls suffer direct violations of their physical integrity, for example through reproductive violations and enforced pregnancy. Most recent asymmetrical conflicts have been full of epidemic rates of sexual and gender-based violence, combined with high levels of gender-based human rights violations. The reality is that sexual violence has often been portrayed as an unfortunate consequence of conflict, resulting in widespread impunity for these crimes and general tolerance of gender based violence in post-conflict societies. It is as a result of these enormous challenges or problems that women face during and after political violence and armed conflict that I chose to write on this topic. I therefore seek to find answers to this research questions:. To what extent does violent conflict affect women negatively?. Can we conclude that women suffer most in violent conflict than men?distinguishes between conflict and violence, and argues that conflict can be non-violent whereas violent according to him ‘involves the use of force be it physical or psychological’. (Cockburn1999). Violence has further been explained by Keane to include ‘an uninvited but intentional or half intentional or act of physically violating the body of a person’ (Keane 1996:6). Feminists extend the definition to include ‘assault on a person’s physical and mental integrity’ and they define gender-related violence to mean ‘violence which embodies the power imbalances inherent in patriarchal society’ (El Bushra and Piza Lopez 1993:1). From these definitions we can define violent conflict to mean a disagreement between individuals or groups which results in the physical, psychological or mental attack on the body of a person, and in the context of this paper, attack on women during violent conflict with the Rwandan Genocide of 1994 as the case study. Violence can be individual or collective. Collective violence refers to ‘wars, state violence, riots and some activities associated with organized crime’ (Reiss and Roth 1993:2). There is a need to assess collective violence against women during conflict or war with the Rwandan Genocide as the basis of discussion.differentiations have a significant impact before, during and after every violent conflict. Gender plays role in determining the role men and women play in every conflict situation and how men and women are treated during violent conflict. During violent conflict gendered elements manifests themselves during mobilizations into armed forces, the destruction of everyday life and the brutalization of the body in war (Caroline and Fiona 2001). Though gendered elements play significant roles before, during and after violent conflict, it is imperative to analyze this chapter base on the events during conflict since this paper limits itself to the negative impact of violent conflict on women during violent conflict situation.

‘Many versions of masculinity in the world’s varied cultures are constituted in the practice of fighting: to be a real man is to be ready to fight and, ultimately, to kill and die’ (Caroline and Fiona 2001:20). The culture of masculinity has also transcended into the mobilization

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