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huge challenge for oil companies. Before the Conference top-10 international oil and gas companies (French "Total" among them) issued Joint collaborative Declaration. Being the members of Oil and Gas Climate initiative (OGCI), who together provide nearly 10% of the world’s energy, the companies expressed their collective support for an effective global climate change agreement. They underlined that they had already taken significant actions to reduce GHG footprint and called for an "effective" agreement with clear targets at the Paris Climate Conference. Following the conference, the OGCI members welcomed the Agreement with the following commitment:

"The OGCI members will continue to collaborate on efficiency, natural gas, carbon capture and storage, renewables, long-term solutions, and partnering on multi-stakeholder initiatives. Going forward, we will continue in our efforts to play our part in helping lower the current global emissions trajectory. ”it was noted above, energy sector companies will also be affected by NDCs - national targets and policy plans on climate change issue. However, as long as these policies are not adopted yet, it is essential to analyze existing commitments of the EU and France to understand the motives of French energy companies activities in climate change mitigation.EU climate and energy policies are based on several important objectives. Firstly, these policies presume targets set in 2007 by the EU leaders and known as 20-20-20 objectives. In particular, these goals comprised 20% energy production from renewables, 20% increase in energy efficiency and 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (compared to 1990) by 2020.

Secondly, according to 2030 climate and energy policy framework the EU countries should reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% below the 1990 level, increase the share of renewable energy as well as energy efficiency level to at least 27% and reform the EU emissions trading system. Besides, the 2030 policy proposed a new governance framework based on national plans for competitive, secure and sustainable energy as well as a set of key indicators to assess progress over time. The European Council agreed that a reliable and transparent governance system will be developed to help ensure that the EU meets its energy policy goals., in 2008, the European Union embarked reforms in progressive liberalization of the internal electricity and gas markets through the third internal energy market package, the so-called "Third Package”. Its implementation led to three main achievements:

) more harmonized cross-border trade and network rules;

) greater independence of national regulators and transmission system operators and their co-operation through newly created European bodies - the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the European Networks for Transmission System Operators - Gas and Electricity; and 3) the enforcement of competition in the energy sector, supporting further market opening., according to the "European Energy Security Strategy” all the countries-members should undertake measures to prevent and mitigate gas and oil supply disruption risks, to protect critical energy infrastructure, to moderate internal energy demands and to build a well-functioning and fully integrated internal market.companies analyzed in the second chapter are state-owned to a different degree. Therefore, French energy policy will not only affect their business inside France but also might have impact on their decision-making process.energy policy at the modern state of development correlates in many ways with general EU policies. However, it has its own peculiarities.great attention traditionally given by the leadership of the Fifth Republic to energy questions is explained by the lack of the major energy resources in France. Except for the water resources, the country was unable to meet the needs of the economy at the expense of its own energy resources. The dependence on imports had been augmenting continuously until the crisis in the 1970s. Only the government regulation of the economy allowed to eliminate completely the effects of the crisis.modern strategy of France in the field of energy, which is nowadays the most important element of the economy can be divided into several areas. of all, it includes the support of the development, modernization and research in the nuclear energy sector. Over the last 50 years in France the radical modernization of the energy sphere has been held, and as a result, the country has moved from coal to nuclear power, which has become a priority for the industry. It is also crucial to mention that nowadays from 70 to 77% (depending of the year) of French electricity is produced on nuclear energy and 100% imported uranium. It is the highest proportion by far than in any other country. Furthermore, French nuclear power plants make the country the leader of electricity production among the EU member states and a net-exporter of electricity to the neighboring countries. However, nuclear energy is quite a controversial issue for the country and nowadays it is starting to lose governmental support. After Fukushima disaster in 2011, which led to minimization of nuclear energy programs in Germany, Belgium and Switzerland, French society was split into proponents and opponents of use of this type of energy. The former president Nikolas Sarkozy declared in 2011 that he does not intend to decrease the amount of nuclear power stations in the country and that he is disappointed with these prejudices on the idea of progress. This question became one of the most discussed issues during election race in 2012 due to the diametrically opposite views of main candidates. The acting president promised to diminish French dependence on nuclear energy from 75% to 50% by 2025 as well as to close 26 out of 58 nuclear stations in the country (including the oldest French nuclear station

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