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1956. Kiely, R. Beyond egotism. The fiction of James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, and D. H. Lawrence. L., 1980. Martin, J. T. S. Eliot"s "The Waste Land". // A collection of critical essays on "The Waste Land", New Jersey, 1986.P. 1-14. Noon, W. Joyce and Aquinas. London, 1957. Oldington, R. Introduction. // D. H. Lawrence. Apocalypse. Middlsex, 1974.P. V-XXVII. Ruddick, L. The Seen and the Unseen: V. Woolf"s "To the Lighthouse". London, 1977. Schlossman, B. Joyce"s Catholic Comedy of Language. L., 1985. Schulkind, J. Introduction. // Woolf V. Moments of being. Sussex, 1976. Shusterman, D. The Quest for Certitude in E. M. Forster"s Fiction. L., 1965. Spenser, Th. Introduction. // J. Joyce. Stephen Hero. New York, 1963.P. 7-18 Stone, W. The Cave and the Mountain. A study of E. M. Forster. London, 1966. Sultan, S. Ulysses, The Waste Land, and Modernism. L., 1977. Vogler, Th. Introduction. // Twentieth century interpretation of "To the Lighthouse". Englwood, 1970.P. 1-38.

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